Faldt lige over en ny sammenligning af de tre head-amps fra Schiit og tænkte, at der sikkert er nogle herinde, der gerne vil læse om " Some good Schiit". Mike fra Headfonia er sjovt nok mest begejstret for den mindste af dem (Asgaard). Han beskriver også hvilke overvejelser man skal gøre sig ift. at matche hovedtelefoner med de enkelte modeller.
http://www.headfonia.com/triple-schiit- ... a-and-lyr/
"Though all three amps are good amps, I think that the Asgaard hold a special spot in the comparison not only because of its $249 price tag (hence best value for dollar), but it also happens to have the smoothest and most coherent overall sound, while hitting the bass and mids areas properly and even adding a superior soundstage to the mix."