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Rør, hvis du tør

Indlæg: 13. jan 2014, 23:48
af kvik
Efterskrift / Introduktion

Tråden startede oprindeligt udfra en idé om at se, hvad der fandtes af rør-hovedtelefonforstærkere derude i dag. Det viste sig hurtigt, at der er ganske mange, også mange forskellige typer og sammensætninger. Som tråden har udviklet sig, finder man nu derfor noget for enhver smag, pengepung og behov.

Her er alt fra små budget-hybrider til håndbyggede, rene kunstværker; alt fra små, dedikerede hovedtelefon-forstærkere til full-size integrerede forstærkerløsninger. Eneste formelle krav er således endt med at blive, at rør i en eller anden grad har indflydelse på slutlyden opnået via tilkoblede hovedtelefoner.

Det er dog samtidig en forudsætning, at enheden kan erhverves som ny i dag. Primært for at bevare trådens aktualitet. 'Gamle' enheder ingen kan få fat i vil uvilkårligt påføre tråden et her uønsket historisk præg.

Siden tråden i et vist omfang er et øjebliksbillede, vil den i sagens natur være knap så aktuel om et år eller to. En del af de nævnte forstærkere vil forsvinde fra markedet igen, og nye vil komme til. Udfra indholdsfortegnelsen vil det dog være forholdsvist enkelt at spore disse ‘bevægelser’.

I tråden er der i vid udstrækning anvendt online-oversættere (Yandex/Google/Microsoft). Tvivlsomme oversættelser er nogle steder omskrevet for at give bedre mening. Andre steder har det været mere hensigtsmæssigt at lade uklarhederne stå, til fri tolkning.

Generelt præsenteres, hvad producenten selv fremlægger på sin hjemmeside. Nogle steder er produktbeskrivelen dog beriget med information fra andre kilder. Det kan være links til anmeldelser, diskussionstråde eller billigste købskanal, eller tekstuddrag fra samme steder.

Tråden har i sin hidtidige levetid fået årlige hovedopdateringer, senest i januar 2022. Her er aktualitet for enheder, beskrivelser, links, priser mm gennemgået og opdateret.

Jeg håber, tråden kan fungere som opslagsværk og inspirationskilde for dem, der overvejer at kombinere rør og hovedtelefoner.

Welcome to our non-danish readers

The concept of this particular thread is to showcase what is available today with a tube-influenced
sound through headphones, covering the whole spectrum of amps, dacs, and all kinds of hybrids.

So, tube is the first premise, availability the second. And, to keep the thread current, availability here means in new condition at this point in time. With that in mind feel free to contribute, if you see something is missing.

The thread is essentially a ‘snapshot’, and as such it will be outdated eventually. So far it has received yearly updates, though, where entries, descriptions, links, etc have been confirmed or corrected. Latest update throughout was in january 2022.

In regard to validity be aware that various online-translators assisted in providing the included information. Occasionally it was necessary to rewrite (or even guess) to make (better) sense of these translations.

The intention was to just gather and showcase, keeping the original product information intact. In some cases, though, it seemed useful to add from alternative sources also. Not everywhere is it clearly indicated, when this occurs.

When interested in a product, it is advisable to contact the manufacturer for current and accurate information. The thread should be viewed as a showcase, not as a source of authority

I hope you enjoy the thread.


1101 Audio
Abin Audio
Air Tight
Aleks Audio
ALO Audio
Analog Squared Paper ES
ANK Audiokits
Anode Acoustics
Arcturus Audio
Aric Audio
Aries Cerat
Arkhipov's Laboratory ES
Art Audio Lab
Audio by Van Alstine
Audio Research
Audio Space
AudioValve ES
Aune Audio
Auris Audio
Ayon Audio
Black Ice Audio (Jolida)
Brinkmann Audio
Brocksieper (EarMax)
Cary Audio
Cayin Audio
Clinamen Audio
Corsonus ES
Dominance Amps
Donald North Audio
Dubiel Acoustics ES
EAR Yoshino
Ecko Audio
Eddie Current
Elemental Amps
Erhard Audio
Estro Armonico
Feliks Audio
Fezz Audio
FLUXION Audio Technology
Hagerman Audio Labs
HeadAmp ES
Heaven 11 Audio
Icon Audio
iFi Audio
King's Audio (KingSound) ES
Konka ES
Laconic Lab
Line Magnetic Audio
Linear Tube Audio ES
Little Dot
Lucarto Audio
Mal Valve ES
Mapletree Audio Design
Marvalve Audio
Maverick Audio
McAlister Audio
McIntosh Labs
Megahertz Audio ES PZ
Mistral Audio
Mjölnir Audio ES
ModWright Instruments
Music Hall Audio
Musical Paradise
Musical Surroundings
Nagra Audio
Opera Consonance
Orphean Sound (Darkvoice)
Oswalds Mill Audio
Paltauf Audio ES
Phase Style Ltd
Phatlab Audio
Pier Audio
PS Audio
Quicksilver Audio
Ray Samuels Audio ES
Riviera Labs
Rogers High-Fidelity
Rogue Audio
Rolls Corporation (Bellari)
SAC Thailand
S.I. Audio
Sideways Eight Audio Labs
Sinus Audio
SJS Electroacoustics (Arcadia)
Solaja Audio
Sonnare Audio
Sophia Electric
S&P Audio
Space-Tech Laboratory
Thivan Labs
Toolshed Amps
Tor Audio
Triode Audio Corporation
Triode Lab
Tsakiridis Devices
UltraSonic Studios
Unison Research
Vacuum Tube Audio
Venture Electronics ES
Vincent Audio
Viva Audio ES
Waiting Audio
Wells Audio
Weston Acoustics
White Bird Amplification
Wolf Ear Audio
Woo Audio ES
World Designs
Yu Qin Audio (La Figaro)
Zesto Audio
Ångstrom Audio Lab


ES / Electrostatic: Analog Squared Paper, Arkhipov's Laboratory, AudioValve, Corsonus, Dubiel Acoustics, HeadAmp, HiFiMAN, KingSound, Konka, Linear Tube Audio, Mal Valve, MegaHertz, Mjölnir Audio, Paltauf Audio, Ray Samuels Audio, Stax, Venture Electronics, Viva Audio, Woo Audio

PZ / Piezo-electric (TakeT): MegaHertz


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English version: All amounts are in US-dollars (USD) ..If the embedded pdf-file doesn’t appear, try to reload the page.

Re: Rør, hvis du tør - DECWARE

Indlæg: 13. jan 2014, 23:49
af kvik
Decware CSP3 Zen Triode ($1440-$2940)

Decware CSP3.jpg
Decware CSP3.jpg (333.84 KiB) Vist 85063 gange

Classic Stereo Preamp and Reference Headphone Amplifier

The CSP3 is a purist execution of a classic all-tube line stage and OTL headphone amp. It uses 6N1P/6922 triodes with zero negative feedback and is all point-to-point wired using boutique parts and wire. It is built so well that it comes with a lifetime warranty.

Besides its incredible sound, what makes this preamp unique is its adjustability. You can adjust the output level for each channel to anywhere between 0 and 30 Volts RMS which is enough to drive any type of amplifier with amazing weight and control. It's a simple process. You just set your volume control to 12 o'clock and then raise the output levels slowly until you reach what you would consider your normal listening volume. Your preamp is now perfectly set and matched to the amplifier.

For headphone users, there is an adjustable input level control for each channel allowing you to compensate for high- and low- efficiency headphones. This way your master volume control can operate throughout its entire range without getting too touchy or aggressive.

There are two headphone jacks on this unit, which can be configured for 1/4" headphone jacks, 4-PIN XLR jacks or dual 3-PIN XLR jacks. That covers all known types of quality headphone cables that you might have. Many people will configure it with a 1/4" jack on one side and a 4-pin XLR jack on the other side so that both types of headphones can be used.

The headphone output is suitable for 32 to 600 ohm headphones excluding some planar headphones, which may become volume- limited due to their low efficiency.


• Locking 1/4 inch headphone jacks - one for each side. Use either side or both. Optional XLR headphone jacks in dual 3 pin or dual 4 pin available.

• Left and Right Headphone Calibration Controls. These are used to calibrate the master volume control so that your headphones don't get too loud, too fast. Typically set so that the master volume control is half way up at your normal listening level. They can also be used to adjust the balance between the left and right ears.

• Left and Right Line Level Output Controls. These are used to dial in the gain of this preamp so that it is perfect with any amplifier. You can adjust the outputs to between zero and six volts. The trick to this is also simple. Just turn them all the way down, turn on your amplifier, raise the master volume to around half way up and then slowly adjust the output level controls to reach your normal listening level. This guarantees a perfect match with any amplifier regardless of it's input sensitivity and power. These can also be used to adjust left/right balance between channels.

• Left (Right) output Triode 6N1P-EB or 6922. This is the work horse tube for the left (right) channel. While it is a dual triode, it is wired in series with itself to lower the output impedance and improve transparency since the two halves of the tube no longer half to match.

• Rectifier Tube - 5U4 or 5AR4 or 5Y3GT or some 274B. This is the power supply tube that rectifies AC into high voltage DC. Compatible with those listed above tube rectifiers have three advantages; 1) They sound better 2) You can use different ones for different signatures when voicing your unit 3) They protect the amp from power surges. In extreme cases such as nearby lightening strikes they will fail to save the preamp. Easy and inexpensive to replace, they eliminate costly service and down time which is common with solid state rectification.

• Stereo Input Tube - 6N1P-EB or 6922 or 6DJ8. This is the main tube for voicing the unit. It is a dual triode and has both the left and right channels going through it. This makes tube rolling quick and inexpensive when you get in moods to experiment with the CSP3's sound.

• Master Volume. This is the master volume control located near the front for ease of access and only one inch away from the input tube which keeps the signal path as short as possible. Optionally you can configure your CSP3 with a gold contact stepped attenuator from within the shopping cart.

• Source switch. This simply selects between two line level sources. It has silver contacts and is located directly next to the volume control to eliminate long signal paths. This is a purist way of having two inputs. If you require more inputs, we sell a high quality switch box that can be used to expand the inputs from two to five. Often we'll run our best analog source directly into input A on the CSP3 and input B is the switch box containing all of our digital sources.


• Wood Base: Black figured, dark walnut, natural cherry/oak/maple, exotic zebra (ao exotic woods if obtainable)
• Knobs: Walnut, ebony, gold, black/cream chickenhead
• Volume control: 20 position stepped attenuator to replace the smooth action volume control.
• Caps: Audiophile Grade film caps, Standard Beeswax, Copper foil beeswas, Copper foil VCAPs
• Outputs: Dual stereo outputs.. you can change the default mono output to a stereo output giving you two pair of stereo output jacks. This is handy if you run two amplifiers to power your speakers (Bi-amping).
• Headphone Jacks: Alternate headphone jacks.. you can change the dual 1/4 inch headphone jacks to dual 3 pin or dual 4 pin XLR jacks (or one of each) to accommodate different kinds of headphone cables.
• Anniversary Mod: Due to amazing sonics made possible by the technology used in our 25th Anniversary Zen Triode Amplifier an anniversary mod has been developed for the CSP3 as well. The mod introduces a pair of voltage regulator tubes to handle the high voltage for each channel and then the power supply is heavily bypassed with beeswax caps. The result is a resolution explosion combined with more juicy tone and weight.


• Weight: 16 lbs. ea.
• Dimensions: 8.5” H x 7.250" W x 14.75" D
• Circuit type: Single ended Class A Triode OTL
• Output: Adjustable 0 ~ 30 volts
• Input voltage: 250mv ~ 5.0 volts
• Noise / Hum: Less than 0.5 millivolts
• Input Impedance: 50 KOhms
• Output Impedance: < 60 ohms
• Response : 5 Hz ~ 70 kHz
• Feedback: ZERO negative feedback used
• Rectification: 5U4 tube rectification
• Signal tubes: 6N1P-EB or 6922 or 6Dj8
• Transformers: Transformers custom made by Decware
• Biasing: Self-Biasing circuit - never needs adjustment
• Resistors: All resistors are audiophile grade
• Signal Cap: Audiophile grade poly film caps
• Filter Caps: All filter caps are premium quality
• AC cord: Fused IEC connector provided with removable power cord
• Consumption: 65 watts at full power
• Input jacks: High Quality RCA type 24K Gold / Teflon
• Output jacks: High Quality RCA type 24K Gold / Teflon
• Headphone jack: High Quality dual 1/4 inch stereo jack or dual 3 pin XLR or dual 4 pin XLR or one 1/4 inch and one 4 pin XLR
• Warranty: Lifetime to original owner / 90 days on tubes

Decware Zen Taboo mk IV ($2295-$2905)

Decware Zen Taboo mk IV.jpg
Decware Zen Taboo mk IV.jpg (145.12 KiB) Vist 95759 gange

In 2011 we were asked to put a headphone jack on our Taboo amplifier to be used with planar headphones multiple times and since then the Zen Taboo has become a popular topic of conversation among Head-Fi users from all over the world. The tremendous feedback was encouraging and a year later we re-designed the Taboo from the ground up as a planar headphone amplifier that could still be used to drive speakers (instead of a speaker amplifier that could still be used to drive headphones). The resulting Taboo Mk III was so good it not only dominated the planar headphone market for those who appreciate the transparency of tubes, but developed a real following among dynamic headphone owners as well. Even one of the better headphone manufactures in the USA is using it as a reference to develop and test all their new headphones. We are now in the final chapter of the evolution of this fine reference grade headphone amplifier, with the release of this new model, the Taboo Mk IV.

You have to understand that what makes a Taboo so unique is a feature called "Lucid Mode" which makes things image. An essoteric form of crossfeed, it was originally intended to improve the imaging of loudspeakers. As we all know crossfeed is an essential ingredient in all great headphone amp designs so in 2013 we added a second "Lucid Mode" switch specifically tuned for the 50 ohm Audeze LCD-2. This made the Taboo a real force to reckon with if you had LCD-2, ZMF or similar impedance headphones. Now Lucid Mode is masterfully redesigned as a single variable control with a bypass switch. You simply dial in the amount of effect you want by ear as you listen. Lucid mode is a fully analog effect that occurs naturally within the circuit. There are no circuit chips, circuit boards, or solid state parts anywhere inside a Taboo to manipulate or posion the utter transparency of the music.


• Lucid mode is now fully variable and as a result the feature works with ALL headphones, Planar or Dynamic!

• Another exciting upgrade over the previous Mk III model is an incredible dual volume setup with infinitely adjustable left and right controls. So far everyone who's tried it is saying they can't live without it despite being hesitent at first! Dual controls allow you to do some very special things that you won't want to live without.

• The Taboo Mk IV also features an updated layout requiring a new chassis design that facilitates a more direct internal layout resulting in more breathtaking transparency through greater simplicity.

• Some features that were optional for an extra cost on the Mk III are now included. These include the popular HI/LO option for running both high and low efficiency headphones, and rather than having a HI and LO headphone jack we added a switch so you can listen to any headphone in either mode and decide for yourself what sounds better.

Now available with optional balanced XLR inputs which have been optimized to take advantage of the higher signal voltages common with balanced sources. Having the ability to run your Taboo fully balanced would bring all the sonic advantages that a good preamp usually adds but with greater transparency.

• The Mk IV is now built with only balanced outputs and comes with a 4 pin XLR headphone jack shown in the images below. This is the only way the Taboo Mk IV is available. There is no unbalanced 1/4 headphone jack on this machine.

• The Taboo is an easy amplifier to own because there is no maintenance and no bias pots to adjust. Tubes last a long time - typically several years. The chassis is build without vent holes to let dirt and dust contaminate the inside.

• Like previous models, you still have inputs for two sources and speaker level outputs for operating loudspeakers. Some hardcore headphone enthusiasts will also use these speaker binding posts in an unexpected way by using the amplifiers binding posts to further tune their headphones by installing various size resistors.


• Voltage Options: This amplifier is optionally available with our World Voltage Compatible Transformers. If you live outside the USA, simply select your voltage when you check out and your Taboo will be automatically wired and tested for the correct voltage of your country.

• Wood Base Options: You may select from two standard wood bases, either Walnut or what we call Black Figured, at no extra cost. Optionally you can get Oak, Cherry and Maple for a small up charge. Custom woods are also available, just check the box for Custom in the shopping cart and then let us know what kind of wood you want in the comments section of the order or in an email.

• Signal Capacitor Options: The amplifier comes standard with Cryo-Treated High Temperature Beeswax Capacitors with silver plated leads from the USA company called Jupiter Condenser. Alternately we have a type II Beeswax capacitor that uses copper foil that is claimed to be a notch better from the same manufactuer.

• Knobs: The knob choices are shown above. All are interchangeable so should you ever change your mind down the road, the knobs can be changed by you.

• Input Jacks: The Taboo Mk IV comes standard with dual RCA inputs featuring 24k Gold Plated Teflon jacks made in the USA. Silver RCA jacks are available for a slight up charge. These may be preferred by those running pure silver signal cables with solid silver connectors for the simple reason there is less dissimilar metals. Otherwise we hear no real difference.

• XLR Input Option: Selecting this option will allow you to run both RCA and fully balanced XLR inputs and switch between the two.


The stock configuration uses a single input tube of the 6922 family (such as 6N1P / 6DJ8 / 6N11 / 6N23P / 7DJ8) driving a pair of EL84 or SV83 (6P15P-EV) output tubes. The rectifier is a 5U4 but you may substitute 5Y3GT, 5AR4's or the new Valve Art 274B. You can expect over 6000 hours of pristine fidelity from the included 6P15P-EV tubes. Because this amp has the Hazen Grid Mod that activates only when SV83 (6P15P-EV) output tubes are used, we ship the amp with the best mil spec 6P15P-EV's made. These are Russian New Old Stock tubes with Gold grids, extra thick glass, plated pins, and tested in your amplifier. All tubes come with a 90 day warranty.

DECWARE always has the best quality hand selected replacement tubes in stock for your Taboo.


This amplifier requires no adjustments or maintenance other than changing tubes every couple years. It is a self biasing design and self balancing meaning even unmatched tubes become matched when installed. The SV83 (6P15P-EV) or EL84 output tubes were chosen for their sound quality over all other pentodes - price was not a factor.

• Weight: 17 lbs. ea.
• Dimensions: 8.5” H x 7.25" W x 14..75" D
• Chassis: Steel/Wood
• Finish: Black Powder Coat Typewriter Finish
• Base: Solid hardwood / user interchangeable
• Circuit type: Single ended Class A Pentode
• Power Output: .5W@4Ω / 1W@8Ω / 1.2W@16Ω / 1.5W@24Ω / 1.6W@32Ω / 1.7W@50Ω-600Ω (figures are for headphones, doubles into loudspeakers)
• Input voltage: 2.1 volts for full output
• Noise / Hum: < 1 millivolt
• Response: 10 Hz ~ 80 kHz
• Rectification: 5Y3GT / 5U4 / 5AR4 tube rectification
• Output tubes: SV83 or EL84 / 6BQ5
• Signal tube: 6922 / 6N1P
• Transformers: Proprietary US Made UFO Transformers
• Biasing: Self-Biasing circuit - never needs adjustment
• Resistors: All resistors are precision WW/MF by DALE, VISHAY
• Signal Cap: Audiophile grade Cryo Treated Beeswax Paper Foil
• Filter Caps: Premium grade 500V electrolytic
• AC cord: Fused IEC connector provided with removable power cord
• Consumption: 75 watts at full power
• Input jacks: RCA type 24K Gold / Teflon
• Output jacks: Gold 5-way binding posts accept 8 gauge wire
• Warranty: Lifetime to original owner / 90 days on tubes

Decware Zen Mini Torii mk III ($2295-$3195)

Decware Zen Mini Torii mk III.jpg
Decware Zen Mini Torii mk III.jpg (171.98 KiB) Vist 95759 gange

The Mini Torii was designed as an amplifier to be used in an exotic hi-end desktop system where physical size is a consideration. Of course we knew going in that it would also do favorably as the center piece of many listening rooms. One big feature that makes it unique is the way it creates it's own clean power with glow tubes. No one has room for a power re-generator on their desktop, but we needed the same or better performance. By using glow tubes to store and release power across a vacuum gap, all the noise and crud in your power line is blocked or lost in the gap. The Mini Torii uses four of these unique tubes to filter the power feeding both the input tubes and the output tubes separately. The result is a liquidity that you typically don't achieve without spending thousands on power conditioning.


Single-ended integrated amp design featuring two volume controls and a selector for two sources.

Has enough range on the volume control that it can be driven directly from the headphone jack of your computer, tablet, or smartphone and sound better than you except giving it great flexibility. Of course the fidelity of this amplifier deserves the best source you can afford but in the real world you may find yourself using either or both.

There is also an adjustable treble cut with a bypass switch so that if you find yourself streaming compressed MP3 music to it, you can make it more tolerable by reducing the very top end where the jitter is most apparent.

The dual-mono design gives the amplifier a separate power supply and even a separate power switch for each channel. Basically it's two monoblocks stuffed into a single chassis. Dual- mono enhances performance and makes troubleshooting tube problems fast and painless.

• 6V6 based single-ended design giving around 5 watts per channel
• Point-to-Point wiring with no circuit boards
• Tube rectification for each channel using EZ81's
• Output stage regulation using OA3's
• Input stage regulation using OC2's
• Dual volume controls
• 8.5 inches x 11 inches x 5 inches
• Requires NO preamp
• Input for 2 sources
• Variable Line Level Output jacks
• Treble adjustment with bypass
• Adjustable feedback to control presence
• Our Proprietary UFO wide-band output transformers
• Easy to move around
• High mass powder coated steel chassis
• Solid hardwood base with wood options
• Enhanced tube life
• Self-biasing - nothing to set or adjust
• 4 and 8 ohm speaker switch
• Cryo-treated Beeswax caps
• Highest grade internals
• Output tube compatibility facilitates custom voicing


Voltage: Choose the voltage for your country. The appropriate power cord will be selected for your location and included with the amp.

Base style: The standard base is natural walnut. Custom woods can be selected for an up charge. Exotic woods would be anything not listed, like for example; Zebrawood. Just write in the kind of wood you want in the comments section of the order.

Volume Control: Smooth action volume controls are standard and allow for better adjustability. Our stepped attenuators feature a 20 position gold contact switch with precision 1% resistors allowing the volume to be adjusted in steps.

Headphone Jack Type: No headphone jack is standard, however one can be added. It's located in the front and is available in 1/4 inch TRS standard format only. The headphone jack option works well with planar headphones.

Knobs: There are three controls on a Mini Torii... Left Volume, Right Volume and Treble shunt. You have five knob choices for these controls. You can select the knobs from a list when you add to cart.

Signal Capacitors: Select from four types of coupling-caps.. Audiophile Grade film caps, Standard Beeswax, Copper foil beeswas, or Copper foil VCAPs.


Everything needs a center, so the stock tube compliment that ships with the amplifier is carefully tested and voiced for the amplifier. They are of the highest quality and ideal for those who wish to not worry about tubes and just enjoy the music.

If you decide to change the way this amp sounds despite the fact that we ship it with hand picked top quality tubes that we like, that's ok. The truth is that a great single ended amp is the amp you can't hear leaving you the rather empowering opportunity to experience the unique and delicate signatures of a large variety of tubes. In other words, it becomes an experience of listening to the tubes and about the tubes... not the amplifier.

To that effect... All of these tubes [40 different tubes listed with name and picture] will work in a Mini Torii - each pair sound different.

There are huge sonic differences between the 6V6, 6Y6, 6K6, 6F6 and 6L6 output tubes in the Mini Torii II amplifier. The differences are not unlike owning a completely different amplifier with every change.

All are compatible with the Mini Torii. These are just the output tubes, of which the amplifier uses only two, one for each channel. The above list is only a sample of some of the really good sounding N.O.S. tubes you can enjoy in this amplifier. Of course there are also lots of the standard 6V6 tubes that the amp was specifically voiced for that also sound great.

Your amp will ship with an OA3 Voltage Regulator tube for each channel. This is the best performance of the four. The remaining three (OB3,OC3,OD3) can be used to take the tube rolling experience to a deeper level. The four voltage regulator tubes above all modify the operating points of the output tubes they supply high voltage to. This in turn changes the way the output tube sounds.


This amplifier requires no adjustments or maintenance other than changing tubes every couple years. It is a self biasing design and dual mono - meaning tube matching is not required.

• Weight: 17 lbs. ea.
• Dimensions: 6.50" H x 12.125" W x 9.125" D
• Circuit type: Single ended Class A Pentode
• Power output: 3.9 watts RMS
• Input voltage: 1.0 volts for full output w/ 12AU7
• Noise / Hum: Too low to hear
• Response: 20 Hz ~ 80 kHz
• Regulation: OA3 and OC2 / tube voltage regulation
• Rectification: EZ81 tube rectification
• Output tubes: 6V6
• Signal tube: 12AU7
• Transformers: Decware
• Biasing: Self-Biasing
• Resistors: Precision WW/MF by DALE, VISHAY
• Signal Caps: Cryo Treated Beeswax & Foil Jupitor caps with Silver Leads
• AC cord: Removable power cord
• Consumption: 75 watts at full power
• Input jacks: RCA type 24K Gold / Teflon
• Output jacks: 5-way binding posts accept 12 gauge
• Speaker dB/1w: 90 dB minimum / 94 dB is ideal
• Warranty: Lifetime to original owner

Re: Rør, hvis du tør - Eddie Current

Indlæg: 13. jan 2014, 23:55
af kvik
Eddie Current Studio B ($3300)

EC Studio B.jpg
EC Studio B.jpg (95.66 KiB) Vist 43390 gange

Rolling with the times and requests for an encore amp, Eddie Current listened and created the ultimate art-and-sound quarantine experience!

The Studio 300B brings back the popular design of Eddie Current’s Balancing Act but with the exquisite balance of the BA’s deep rich sound stage and the lively presentation of the top-of-the-line Studio.

Studio 300B features custom output transformers, rare earth magnetic core with tertiary feedback standard of 1.75 dB (as with Studio).

The Studio 300B is fashioned after the pro look of a mixing board: mastering luxurious listening on both your favorite headphones or high efficiency speakers!

Limited intro run price is $3300 plus shipping; (price includes JAN 5670 Driver & 5AR4 rectifier tubes)

• Custom output transformers, rare earth magnetic core with tertiary feedback standard of 1.75 dB (as with Studio).
• Minimal point-to-point wiring.
• Balanced headphone drive.
• Two input selector switch, two pairs RCA unbalanced inputs.
• Speaker kill switch.
• 100K Alps Blue Velvet volume control.
• One pair Speak-On speaker outputs. 4, and 8 ohm.
• 4-foot detachable umbilical cord.
• Vacuum tube rectified passive LC power supply.
• Will drive 4,8 ohm speakers to 4 watts. Input sensitivity 1.5V for full power.
• Power bandwidth -1dB 10Hz-100kHz.
• Recommended headphone load 8 ohms or higher.
• Power into 32 ohms 2W, into 100 ohms 800mW, into 300 ohms 400mW.
• Typical headphone frequency response–balanced or SE: -1dB 10Hz-100kHz.
• Balanced line output 11 volts into 600 ohms -1dB 10Hz-100kHz.
• Dimensions: main amp: W12” D12” H5.5" (w/o tubes), 22 pounds.
• Dimensions power supply: W6” D14” H10”, 12 pounds.

Note: Studio, Studio Jr, Aficionado, and Zana Deux are all sold out, and may not be available for purchase again.

Re: Rør, hvis du tør - Analog Design Labs

Indlæg: 13. jan 2014, 23:58
af kvik
Adlab Svetlana 2-SE ($1900)

Adlab Svetlana 2-SE.jpg
Adlab Svetlana 2-SE.jpg (314.31 KiB) Vist 33060 gange

Svetlana 2-SE is a Hi-End tube headphone amplifier. The headphone output is achieved by the transformer coupled, thus you can simply select either “Low” or “High” on the panel fascia. The matching headphone impedance separated from Low (16-80Ω) to High (100-600Ω). The signal input and headphone output are galvanically insulated, therefore your hearing and headphone is safely protected by shutting off the inrush current that occurs at power on-off. Especially, the 6AS7G output tube is adopted to further enhance the output to drive not only conventional headphones but also planar magnetic headphones. Svetlana 2-SE is a well-designed pure tube amplifier complete with tube and transformer coupled. High efficiency output transformers have been selected to provide optimised wide band frequency characteristics. It is designed to play pure original sound with class-A triode with non feedback.

• Hand wired Point-to-Point
• NonFeedback ,Triode Pure Class-A
• Supermalloy Transformer Coupled
• Improved Phase Shift
• Single ended headphone output
• 6N1P-EV Front-End
• 6AS7G Output Driver
• Low, High Impedance Selector
• 6.3mm Headphone jacks
• Mute Switch
• Ground Lift Switch
• 1 x RCA Unbalanced Line Input
• 1 x RCA Unbalanced Pre Out
• ALPS Blue Velvet Potentiometer
• WIMA MKP capacitors
• 1% Metal Film Resistors
• Super Cu CMC RCA Jack
• Rate output : 650mW rms / @32Ω, 350mW / @300Ω
• Input sensitivity 1.0V rms for full power
• Headphone Jacks : 6.5mm
• Output Impedance : 16Ω - 600Ω
• Headphone Impedance Low-Z (16Ω - 80Ω)
• Headphone Impedance High-Z (100Ω - 300Ω - 600Ω)
• Output select Low-Z or High-Z
• THD at 300mW /1kHz: 0.1%
• S/N Ratio: 98 dB
• Frequency Response: 1Hz to 70kHz (0, -3㏈)
• Tubes: 6N1P-EV 2ea, 6AS7G 2ea, Self Biasing
• Input Impedance : 100kΩ
• Pre-amp Gain: 12 dB ( 4 x )
• Pre-amp Output Impedance : 150Ω
• Hum & Noise : Less than 0.1mV
• No White Noise
• Power Consumption : 55 Watt ( 117V/230V AC / 50Hz 60Hz)
• Unpacked Dimension (mm): W170×H185×D320
• Shipping Weight: 7kg

Adlab Svetlana 3-SE ($1600)

Adlab Svetlana 3-SE.jpg
Adlab Svetlana 3-SE.jpg (190.09 KiB) Vist 33060 gange

Svetlana 3-SE is a Hi-End tube headphone amplifier. The headphone output is achieved by the transformer method, thus you can simply select either “Low” or “High” impedance on the panel fascia. The signal input and headphone output are galvanically insulated, therefore your hearing and headphone is safely protected by shutting off the inrush current that occurs at power on-off. Especially, the 6AS7G output tube is adopted to further enhance the output to drive not only conventional headphones but also planar magnetic headphones. Svetlana 3-SE Tube Headphone amplifier has adopted transformer coupled, with the matching headphone impedance separated from Low (16-80Ω) to High (100-600Ω). Svetlana 3-SE is a well-designed pure tube amplifier complete with tube and transformer coupled. High efficiency output transformers have been selected to provide optimised wide band frequency characteristics. It is designed to play pure original sound with class-A triode with non feedback.

• Hand wired Point-to-Point
• NonFeedback ,Triode Pure Class-A
• Supermalloy Transformer Coupled
• Improved Phase Shift
• Single ended headphone output
• 6N1P-EV Front-End
• 6AS7G Output Driver
• Low, High Impedance Selector
• 6.3mm Headphone jacks
• Mute Switch
• Ground Lift Switch
• 1 x RCA Unbalanced Line Input
• 1 x RCA Unbalanced Pre Out
• ALPS Blue Velvet Potentiometer
• WIMA MKP capacitors
• 1% Metal Film Resistors
• Super Cu CMC RCA Jack

• Rate output : 550mW rms / @32Ω, 270mW / @300Ω
• Input sensitivity 1.0V rms for full power
• Headphone Jacks : 6.5mm
• Output Impedance : 16Ω - 600Ω
• Headphone Impedance Low-Z (16Ω - 80Ω)
• Headphone Impedance High-Z (100Ω - 300Ω - 600Ω)
• Output select Low-Z or High-Z
• THD at 300mW /1kHz: 0.1%
• S/N Ratio: 98 dB
• Frequency Response: 1Hz to 70kHz (0, -3㏈)
• Tubes: 6N1P-EV 2ea, 6AS7G 1ea, Self Biasing
• Input Impedance : 100kΩ
• Pre-amp Gain: 12 dB ( 4 x )
• Pre-amp Output Impedance : 150Ω
• Hum & Noise : Less than 0.1mV
• No White Noise
• Power Consumption : 40 Watt ( 117V/230V AC / 50Hz 60Hz)
• Unpacked Dimension (mm): W170×H185×D320
• Shipping Weight: 7kg

Adlab Prelude 3.1-LE ($3600)

Adlab Prelude 3_1 LE.jpg
Adlab Prelude 3_1 LE.jpg (264.4 KiB) Vist 33060 gange

Prelude 3.1-LE is a tube based fully balanced headphone amplifier and pre-amp. Standard 6.5mm jack of Single-Ended separated High/ Low impedance, XLR Combo Jack of balanced output and Independent Pre amp RCA output. You can easily select Low / High Ohms Headphone Outputs, Pre-out and Mute function on the panel fascia. The signal input and headphone output are galvanically insulated, therefore your hearing and headphone is safely protected by shutting off the inrush current that occurs at power on-off. Designed with Supermalloy Transformer so that it realized wide frequency characteristics and also play the transparent sound by class -A triode operation in non-feedback design. In particular, the dual mono function of the power supply and balance amplifier function provides transparent sound.

• Hand wired Point-to-Point
• NonFeedback ,Triode Pure Class-A
• Dual Mono Toroid Power Transformer
• Dual Mono Symmetric Differential Amplifier
• Supermalloy Transformer Coupled
• Improved Phase Shift
• Single ended, or balanced headphone output
• True Balanced Topology
• 6N1P-EV Front-End
• 6AS7G Output Driver
• 4 Outputs Selector (1.Off, 2.Low-Z, 3,High-Z, 4.Pre-Amp)
• 2 Input Selector ( Up: XLR, Center : Mute , Down: RCA)
• 6.3mm low/high impedance jacks
• XLR Balanced Output (L/R) jacks
• 1 x Balanced XLR Input
• 1 x Unbalanced RCA Input
• 1 x RCA Unbalanced Pre Out
• ALPS Blue Velvet Quad Potentiometer
• WIMA MKP capacitors
• 1% Metal Film Resistors
• Super Cu CMC RCA Jack
• Swiss Neutrik XLR Combo Connector

• Rate Output : 1W rms / @30Ω, 300mW / @600Ω
• Headphone Jacks : (6.5mm + XLR Combo Jack)
• Output Impedance : 16Ω - 600Ω
• Headphone Impedance Low-Z (16Ω - 80Ω)
• Headphone Impedance High-Z (100Ω - 300Ω - 600Ω)
• Single Ended Output select Low-Z or High-Z
• Balanced Output select ( Default Factory Set : High-Z )
• THD at 300mW /1kHz: 0.1%
• S/N Ratio: 98 dB
• Frequency Response: 10Hz to 80kHz (0, -3㏈)
• Tubes: 6N1P-EV 2ea, 6AS7G 2ea, Self Biasing
• Input Impedance : Unbalance : 100kΩ, Balance : 200kΩ
• Pre-amp Gain: 12 dB ( 4 x )
• Pre-amp Output Impedance : 150Ω
• Hum & Noise : Less than 0.1mV
• No White Noise
• Power Consumption : 80Watt ( 117V/230V AC / 50Hz 60Hz)
• Unpacked Dimension (mm): W260×H185×D310
• Shipping Weight: 15kg

Adlab Prelude 1-PRO ($5900)

Adlab Prelude 1-PRO.jpg
Adlab Prelude 1-PRO.jpg (600.5 KiB) Vist 33060 gange

Prelude 1-Pro is a dedicated headphone amplifier for low-sensitivity planar type (SUSVARA, HE6SE, ABYSS, ARYA, LCD-4, LCD-5) receiver, and is a single-ended high-end headphone amplifier designed to incorporate a triode and a toroidal output transformer. The Prelude-1 Amplifier, released in 2003, has been revised, to be suitable for low-sensitivity planar magnetic receivers. Carefully selected and meticulously tuned parts for optimal matching of the relaxed planar magnetic driving force, and the sophisticated headphone amp that does not lose its modern acoustic characteristics for all music genres. The output stage of the tube amplifier, adopting the toroidal output transformer, shows excellent ability to bring out the potential performance of a low-efficiency receiver without loss, due to its phenomenal frequency characteristics and high damping ability. The toroidal output transformer allows the final output stage of the tube amplifier to maintain wide-band frequency characteristics, and is the basis of the superior sound quality and reproducibility of the entire tube amplifier model line. Additionally, It guarantees optimal matching and perfect sound quality for any receiver to be matched with Analog Design's unique triode output circuit stage. In addition, a donut-shaped toroidal choke transformer is mounted on the lower part of the power transformer to ensure a pure DC component. Together with a large-capacity electrolytic capacitor, it is a toroidal-type choke transformer that can minimize the power impedance and speed up the DC power supply. The hum of the power ripple component of 120Hz is eliminated and the transient response characteristic is improved, which decisively contributes to making the sound quality more sophisticated, deeper and firmer during low-frequency reproduction that requires instantaneous power. In particular, the most outstanding feature of the Prelude 1-Pro headphone amp is its industrial standard perfection, which is a combination of high technology and sophisticated build quality based on a simple and sophisticated modern design for a vacuum tube headphone amp. It shows a new level and cutting edge of the planar magnetic dedicated headphone amplifier by realizing sophisticated and perfect perfection throughout the small but solid chassis and high-integration and high-performance circuitry.

• Triode & Toroidal Design
• Single Ended Triode Pure Class-A
• Wide Frequency and Low Phase Shift Toroidal Output Transformer
• PT, OPT, Choke All Toroidal Design
• Heavy duty Toroidal Power Transformer
• Air gapped Toroidal Choke Transformer
• Air gapped Toroidal Output Transformers
• XLR balanced Line Input
• RCA Unbalanced Line Input
• 1 Pair of Pass-Thru RCA output
• 0 dB /-5dB Gain Selector
• Balanced / Unbalabced Input Selector
• XLR 4pin Neutrik Headphone Jack
• 6.3mm Neutrik Headphone Jack
• Super Cu, CMC RCA Jack
• ALPS Blue Velvet Potentiometer
• Choice available black and silver front panel
• Comparable to the output of 50 watts solid state amp

• Single Ended Output
• Rate Output : 7W RMS / @30Ω
• Rate Output : 3.5W RMS / @60Ω
• Rate Output : 1W RMS / @200Ω
• Input sensitivity 0.3V rms for full power
• Output 4-Pin XLR (1 L+, 2 L-) (3 R+, 4 R-)
• Input Impedance : BAL 200kΩ , UNBAL 100KΩ
• Tubes: 6N1P-EV,  6AS7G DATA SHEET
• Hum & Noise < RMS 0.1mV
• No white noise
• S/N Ratio: 98 dB
• THD : 0.1% (1W, 1kHz), 1.0% (7W, 1kHz)
• Frequency Response: 1Hz ~ 100kHz (0, -3dB @ 1W)
• Power Consumption : 65W ( 220V AC / 50Hz 60Hz)
• Dimension : 260×170×260(WHD)mm
• Shipping Weight: 17kg

Re: Rør, hvis du tør - Yamamoto Sound Craft

Indlæg: 14. jan 2014, 00:19
af kvik
Yamamoto HA-02 ($865)

Yamamoto HA-02.jpg
Yamamoto HA-02.jpg (220.75 KiB) Vist 95767 gange

Everything about this device spells high class and the promise of noise-free, high resolution, ultra musical thermionic headphone addiction. HA-2 projects weight and density on the vocal range, without unnatural energy of an elevated presence region. Tonal hues are rich and saturated, yet still with water-like transparency. HA-02 is essentially not there, mirrors transistors in how linear it sounds and how detailed against a very low noise floor. But it's triode through and through in its staging, layering, coloring and microdynamics.

• Single ended Class A pentode tube amplifier using NOS Western Electric WE408A tubes
• In-house wound high-quality R-core transformer
• Resin-impregnated Japanese Cherry top and Ebony corner columns doubling as footer standoffs
• Headphone and speaker outputs, Aux and CD inputs
• Headphone impedance range 8-600Ω (ideal 50Ω)
• Ships with Audio-technica designed interconnect (RCA-to-1/8”)

• Vacuum tubes: 2x WE408A
• Maximum output: 300mW@50Ω (headphone) / 240mW/8Ω (speaker)
• Frequency response: 30-21,000Kz (headphone) / 45Hz-17,000Hz (speaker)
• Residual noise: 100μV (headphone) / 70μV( speaker)
• Gain: 9.5dB/50Ω (headphone) / 1.5dB/8Ω (speaker)
• Inputs: Aux (RCA), CD (RCA)
• Dimensions (WDH): 150 x 325 x 125 mm
• Weight: 3.5㎏ ... ier-ha-02/

Yamamoto HA-03 ($1260)

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Yamamoto HA-03.jpg (169.54 KiB) Vist 95767 gange

The Yamamoto HA-03 is very pure and detailed, and very revealing of source. Mids and treble have impressive clarity and realism, with a slightly forward and clean presentation. Bass is tight, controlled and has good snap. This all caters for an intimate presentation where vocals and instruments are close to the listener and very realistic sounding.

• Single ended Class A pentode tube amplifier using vintage Siemens C3m tubes
• Separate power supply for screen grid circuit and plate circuit
• In-house wound high-quality R-core transformer
• Shared output circuit for speakers and headphone
• Ideal headphone impedance range 16-200Ω, though most headphones can be driven
• Two selectable line inputs
• Resin-impregnated Japanese Cherry top and Ebony corner columns doubling as footer standoffs

• Vacuum tube: 2x Siemens C3m
• Maximum output: 1.4W+1.4W@50Ω (headphones) / 1W+1W@8Ω (speakers)
• Frequency response: 35Hz~17.5kHz (-3dB) for speaker output
• Residual noise: 57μV (A filter)
• Input impedance: 50kΩ
• Input selectable: 2x Line In
• Power supply: 100V/240V, 50/60Hz
• Dimensions: 156(W)330(D)165(H) mm
• Weight: 5.6㎏ ... 03.641541/

Re: Rør, hvis du tør - Donald North Audio

Indlæg: 14. jan 2014, 00:25
af kvik
NOTE: Mentioned prices are indicative only, they have been collected from forum posts, as thers is no official price list on the manufacturers website. Also note that the amps undergo ‘silent’ revisions, and it is unclear if the website is kept updated to reflect these changes and improvements.

DNA Starlett ($2000)

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DNA Starlett.jpg (713.11 KiB) Vist 67577 gange

The motivation for developing the Starlett was to create a fun, musical, easy-living amplifier for everyone to enjoy with their favorite dynamic headphones ranging from vintage beyers and AKGs to the latest Focals and ZMFs. It needed to be a significant upgrade over the earlier Sonett and Sonett 2 amplifiers yet embody their spirit. After thinking on/off about the idea for quite some time and exploring various tubes and circuit designs, the solution ultimately turned out to be a cascaded 2-stage single ended triode (SET) topology, same as used in the Stratus and Stellaris. Now, whereas those two amplifiers feature the 2A3 directly heated triode output tube, the Starlett uses the 6DG6 triode-wired penthode which interestingly has a similar plate impedance to the 2A3 and output transformer requirements. Particular effort was made to ensure a very quiet, noise-free background for sensitive headphones whilst providing plenty of output voltage swing capability for higher impedance ones.

Design features
• Purist class A single ended triode design
• Output transformers custom made to DNA's specifications in USA 
• Flat and extended frequency response
• Zero feedback or other error correction trickery (Triodes are naturally low distortion when operated into a high impedance load such as a transformer with proper specifications. They do not require feedback to attain low distortion.)
• Point-to-point hand wired audio circuitry using carefully selected audiophile components
• TKD volume control potentiometer
• Choke-filtered high tension power supply with separate filter capacitors for left and right channels
• Choke-filtered DC heater supply
• 1 pair RCA unbalanced inputs
• 4-pin XLR and 1/4" stereo TRS outputs
• XLR and 1/4" TRS outputs provide the same power: 440mW into 50 ohms, 360mW into 100 ohms
• XLR output is selectable between unbalanced (single ended) and balanced headphone drive
• XLR output has 9 ohm output impedance
• 1/4" stereo TRS output has selectable gain attenuation between 0dB and -6dB for greater volume control range on higher sensitivity headphones
• 1/4" stereo TRS output on full gain, 0dB attenuation setting has selectable output impedance between 9 ohm (Low setting) and 120 ohm (IEC setting)
• 1/4" stereo TRS output on -6dB gain attenuation setting has selectable output impedance between 3 ohm (Low setting) and 115 ohm (IEC setting)
• 16dB gain
• Tube complement:
6CG7/6FQ7 input/driver tube, 
6DG6/6W6 triode-wired output tubes, 
5AR4 rectifier tube
• Input impedance: 50Kohms
• Dimensions: 7.5" H x 15" W x 12.25" D (19cm H x 38.1cm W x 31.1cm D) including tubes and connectors & controls.
• Mains voltage: 100/110/120/220/230/240V configurable ... ifier.html

DNA Stratus ($4300)

DNA Stratus.jpg
DNA Stratus.jpg (123.05 KiB) Vist 95767 gange

The DNA Stratus vacuum tube headphone amplifier is specially created to drive all dynamic headphones with the life-like fidelity uniquely provided by the 2A3 directly heated triode. The 2A3 is my all-time favorite directly heated triode vacuum tube and is normally used for powering high efficiency loudspeakers. It has a pure, natural presentation with "you are there" tangible presence.

Many speciality audiophile headphones including the AKG K1000, Audeze LCD-2 & LCD-3, HiFiMAN HE-5LE, HE-500 & HE-6 are lower efficiency than conventional headphones and require higher gain and power to show their true beauty. The 2A3 is my first choice for powering these challenging headphones with stunning performances.

Design features:
• Purist class A single ended triode design
• Output transformers custom made to DNA's specifications in the USA
• Flat and extended frequency response with very low distortion
• Zero feedback or other error correction trickery
Triodes are naturally low distortion when operated into a high impedance load such as a transformer with proper specifications. They do not require feedback to attain low distortion.
• Point-to-point hand wired audio circuitry using carefully selected audiophile components
• Quasi-dual mono power supply with separate filter chokes and capacitors for left and right channels
• Dual 3-pin & 4-pin XLR and 1/4" stereo TRS outputs
• All XLR and 1/4" TRS outputs provide the same power: 1.8W into 50 ohms, 900mW into 100 ohms
• 4-pin XLR output can be used with all headphones - not just the K1000 only. I labeled it "K1000" in honor of the legendary headphone which was the inspiration for developing the Stratus.
• XLR outputs are selectable between unbalanced (single ended) and balanced headphone drive
• XLR outputs have 8 ohm output impedance
• 1/4" stereo TRS output has selectable gain attenuation between 0dB and -6dB for greater volume control range on higher sensitivity headphones
• 1/4" stereo TRS output on full gain, 0dB attenuation setting has selectable output impedance between 8 ohm (Low setting) and 120 ohm (IEC setting)
• 1/4" stereo TRS outut on -6dB gain attenuation setting has selectable output impedance between 3 ohm (Low setting) and 115 ohm (IEC setting)
• Audio signal tubes are DC heated and 2A3 tubes include nulling pots for the quiestest noise floor
• NEW balanced choke-filtered 2A3 filament supplies provide a deep black background and outstanding layering
• 2 sets of RCA unbalanced inputs with rear toggle switch
• TKD volume control potentiometer

Stock tube complement:
1- Winged "C" (SED) 5U4G rectifier
1- Sovtek 6N1P dual triode input/driver tube
2- Shuguang 2A3B directly heated triode power tubes

Input impedance: 50Kohms
Dimensions: 8.5 " H x 17" W x 14 " D (21.6cm H x 43.2cm W x 35.6cm D) including tubes and connectors & controls.
Mains voltage: 100/110/120/220/230/240V factory configurable ... ifier.html

DNA Stellaris ($9000)

DNA Stellaris.jpg
DNA Stellaris.jpg (690.35 KiB) Vist 95767 gange

What began as an idea in July 2009 is finally becoming a dream come true: Introducing the Stellaris vacuum tube headphone amplifier. Building upon the musicality of the Stratus, the Stellaris features bespoke Audio Note UK output transformers (prototype shown without covers) and Duelund CAST capacitors, both regarded as the best in the world, for an unparalleled listening experience. Every component is painstakenly selected by ear for the ultimate in sound quality and synergy working together. The result: Greater clarity, resolution, layering, dynamics, punch, slam, and authority. Hear all of the subtle nuances of an instrument being played and inflections in a singer's voice which makes each performance and recording special.

Design features:
• Purist class A single ended triode design
• Output transformers custom made to DNA's specifications in England by Audio Note UK
• Flat and extended frequency response with very low distortion
• Zero feedback or other error correction trickery
Triodes are naturally low distortion when operated into a high impedance load such as a transformer with proper specifications. They do not require feedback to attain low distortion.
• Point-to-point hand wired audio circuitry using carefully selected audiophile components
• Quasi-dual mono power supply with separate filter chokes and capacitors for left and right channels
• Dual 3-pin & 4-pin XLR and 1/4" stereo TRS outputs
• All XLR and 1/4" TRS outputs provide the same power: 1.8W into 50 ohms, 900mW into 100 ohms
• 4-pin XLR output can be used with all headphones - not just the K1000 only. I labeled it "K1000" in honor of the legendary headphone which was the inspiration for developing the Stratus.
• XLR outputs are selectable between unbalanced (single ended) and balanced headphone drive
• XLR outputs have 8 ohm output impedance
• 1/4" stereo TRS output has selectable gain attenuation between 0dB and -6dB for greater volume control range on higher sensitivity headphones
• 1/4" stereo TRS output on full gain, 0dB attenuation setting has selectable output impedance between 8 ohm (Low setting) and 120 ohm (IEC setting)
• 1/4" stereo TRS outut on -6dB gain attenuation setting has selectable output impedance between 3 ohm (Low setting) and 115 ohm (IEC setting)
• Audio signal tubes are DC heated and 2A3 tubes include nulling pots for the quiestest noise floor
• Balanced choke-filtered 2A3 filament supplies provide a deep black background and outstanding layering
• Input selection via rear toggle switch
• TKD volume control potentiometer
• Tube complement:
6N1P input/driver tube
2A3 directly-heated power triodes
5U4G directly-heated rectifier tube

The Stellaris will be offered in 2 versions:
• 2 pairs unbalanced RCA inputs
• 1 pair balanced XLR and 1 pair unbalanced RCA inputs. The balanced inputs will be accommodated through custom Audio Note UK balanced input transformers - the best available.

Input impedance: 50Kohms
Dimensions: 8.5 " H x 17" W x 14 " D (21.6cm H x 43.2cm W x 35.6cm D) including tubes and connectors & controls.
Mains voltage: 100/110/120/220/230/240V factory configurable ... ifier.html

Note: Now there’s an upgraded version, Stellaris Special featuring an upgraded stepped 47 position TKD volume pot for the finest control available, half silver output transformer along with other upgraded internals. For the ultimate DNA experience a full silver version is available, this includes capacitors, wiring and output transformers.

Re: Rør, hvis du tør - Trafomatic Audio

Indlæg: 14. jan 2014, 00:43
af kvik
Trafomatic Experience HEAD ONE (€1800)

Trafomatic Head One.jpg
Trafomatic Head One.jpg (98.95 KiB) Vist 42748 gange

Experience Head One continues our line of fine amplifiers in the Experience series, following the same basic design principles and philosophy. The device offers an extended functionality unusual with amplifiers of the same type. It was designed to drive different types of dynamic headphones, in addition to functioning as preamp with both line output and subwoofer output.

Maximal safety level has been achieved by using output transformer where headphones and other outputs are connected to separate galvanically insulated secondary windings, even global feedback is accomplished on the same way.

Perfect impedance matching for different types of headphones is achieved using different taps on output transformer secondary winding, providing lossless sound quality on all outputs as the most important point with our amplifiers. As consequence of this principle and philosophy of whole Experience series, high quality power supply with low induction toroidal transformer, tube rectifier, double L-C filter for anode voltage and top quality double C-core output transformer were implemented with extreme care.

Tube selection is made to achieve sufficient gain and output power with only one triode. Russian 6S45P is well known as robust and very linear triode. With top quality output transformer linearity on inductive load is not critical, so with only 1,8dB of global feedback amplifier has superior performance. This way feedback negative influence to sound from line output is effectively minimized. Indirectly heated rectifier tube EZ80 or EZ81 provide low noise level and soft start without transitional effects. Implementation of other quality parts as Rubicon electrolytic capacitors, Alps potentiometer, metal-film resistors etc. are to complete picture about this product.

• Tubes: 2x 6S45P , 1x EZ80(81)
• Power supply: 230VAC (option 115VAC) , 50/60Hz - 50VA
• Consumption: 30VA
• Output impedance: 30 -100 – 300ohms
• Maximum output power: 300mW
• THD at 100mW/1kHz: 3 %
• Additional outputs: line out i sub out
• Inputs: CD , AUX
• Input sensitivity: 1Veff
• Input resistance: 47Kohm
• Output line voltage: THD 1% - 3.2V / THD 2% - 6.4V / THD 2.8% - 9V
• Frequency bandwidth: headphone and line out 20Hz(-3dB) – 57KHz(-3dB) / Subwoofer out 20Hz(-3db) – 18KHz(-3dB) S/N: 71dB
• Minimum load resistance on “LINE and “SUB”: - 2k ohm both outputs simultaneously; - 1k ohm single output.
• Gain on “LINE” output: 18dB ... lioCats=15

Trafomatic HEAD TWO (€2700)

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Trafomatic Head 2.jpg (66.34 KiB) Vist 42748 gange

Class-A Push Pull circuit design. 3dB of feedback and 100% tube amplification delivers 2W into 50 Ohms. Tubes have been hand-picked based on their long established reputations for sonic virtue. Uncompromising quality in build and design throughout. ‘Overbuilt’ power supply features robust multi-stage high-voltage filtering, for superior low-frequency performance. Proprietary output stage with II C core output transformers accommodates a wide range of headphone impedance from 25-600 Ohms. Two pairs can be driven simultaneously, with ease and without sacrificing fidelity. Highly capable tube preamp as well, even with power amps with very low input impedance. Timeless design built to last a lifetime and deliver an unmatched sonic experience.

• Tubes: 1x 6N30P and 1x ECC88 per channel
• Input voltage: 230V/115 AC selectable by switch; 50/60Hz – 100VA – Consumption: 60VA
• Output impedance: 25 – 50 - 100 – 300 and 600ohms
• Output impedance as preamplifier: RCA outs – 6 ohms, XLR outs– 25 ohms
• Gain: 26 dB
• Maximum output power on headphone output: 2W into 50 ohms
• THD at 0.5W/1kHz: 0.2%
• Outputs as line preamplifier: XLR + RCA
• Output for headphones: Neutrik Combo, XLR + ¼”
• Inputs: AUX , XLR + RCA
• Input sensitivity: 0.5Veff
• Input impedance: 47Kohm
• Frequency bandwidth: headphone and line out 10Hz (-1dB) – 80KHz (-3dB)
• S/N: 88dB ... lioCats=15

Trafomatic Primavera (€13000)

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Trafomatic Primavera.jpg (929.04 KiB) Vist 86823 gange

Primavera is the reborning in our lifes cycles. It’s the time when we celebrate the season of renewal and regrowth. The brand new Primavera headphone amplifier from Trafomatic Audio is precisely this, a new, fresh approach for the most intimate listening, and is here to stay for all the years around.

During the immersion in the musical message, the richness of colours, the smells, the clouds, the sun, and dirt are there, all of the emotions are exposed, for our amusement. Capable of driving even the most demanding loads, it’s striking design sets the Primavera as a pure objet d’art, an icon in the rarefied world of Hi-End.

• Direct coupling between stages
• Implements special C-L-C anode voltage filter using Mundorf MLytic HV type electrolytic and High inductivity filter choke made by Trafomatic Audio
• Completely separated power supply for each channel including main transformers
• II C core oversized output transformers
• The output transformers are highly sectioned with harmonically sized sections, which results in a minimum leakage inductance and the best high frequency performance
• Zero feedback

• Class of operation: Single End DHT class A
• Tubes: 1x 6S45P and 1x SV 811-10 per channel
• Input voltage: 230V/50Hz- 115V/60Hz selectable
• Power consumption: 280VA
• Headphone Output impedance: 25 – 50 -100 – 300 and 600ohms
• Gain: 33 dB
• Maximum output power on headphone output: 9W into 50 ohms
• THD at 0.5W/1kHz: 0.2%
• Output for headphones: Neutrik 4 pins balanced connector + ¼” Neutrik connector + 2 x Neutrik 3 pins balanced connectors
• Inputs: XLR + RCA
• Input sensitivity: 0.5Veff – Input impedance: 47Kohm
• Frequency bandwidth: headphone and line out 10Hz (-1dB) – 80KHz (-3dB)
• S/N: 88dB
• Weight 30 kg
• Dimensions W 340 x D 480 x H240 mm ... lioCats=15

Trafomatic EOS Integrated Amplifier (€8500)

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Trafomatic EOS Integrated.jpg (220.57 KiB) Vist 43543 gange

The EOS integrated amplifier is the most powerful integrated amplifier in the Trafomatic Audio productions. It is constructed as push-pull using well known KT120 output tubes.

Output power is 100W per channel, which is sufficient for most speakers, even those with lower than average sensitivity.

This is a integrated amplifer and doesn’t requiring preamplifer. Based on previous work on negative feedback, -6dB reaction has been tuned to provide sound equivalent to a good Single Ended application. Cathode feedback was used as the most musical one. Bass is well controlled, dynamic response is excellent and this amplifer belongs to the very top of its class.

Well designed power supply made as separate unit utilizes 800VA toroidal transformer and C-L-C filter separated for each channel. Output transformers are based on a Double-C core configuration and Solen fast capacitors are used throughout. Adding well thought-out concept to the mix results in a recognizable high quality sound of our amplifiers.

The new modern styling of Trafomatic Audio amplifiers has been extended to this model as well,which makes a perfect sonic and visual fit with your room.

An excellent starting point for full immersion in good sound. See and hear for yourself.

• Output power: 2x100W
• Class of operation: Push-Pull (class AB)
• Tubes complement: 4x KT120 Tungsol, 2x ECC99, 2x 5687
• Inputs: 3xRCA , 1xXLR
• Tubes protect: Acrylic front glass
• Outputs: 4 and 8 ohms
• Headphone Output : 25-150 ohms , 3W at 50 ohms
• Input sensitivity: 0.6Vrms
• THD %: 0.03% – 1W/1KHz, 2% – 100W/1KHz
• Frequency bandwidth:10Hz(-1dB)-100KHz( -1dB)
• S/N Ratio: 82dB
• Input inpedance: 100K
• Remote volume control
• Power consuption: 500VA
• Input voltage: 230V/50Hz – 115V/60Hz switchable
• Amplifier size: 450x350x230mm
• Power supply size: W150 x D300 x H200mm
• Weight: 25kg amplifier + 11kg power supply box ... amplifier/

Re: Rør, hvis du tør - Little Dot

Indlæg: 14. jan 2014, 01:00
af kvik
NOTE: Available on eBay, Amazon, Aliexpress, et al., where product descriptions, specs and prices will vary to some extend. Manufacturers own website ( holds photos and specs as well. Prices mentioned below were the lowest found during previous general update, and have been carried over into this current update to now indicate price levels only.

Little Dot I+ ($110)

Little Dot mk1+.jpg
Little Dot mk1+.jpg (250.94 KiB) Vist 95018 gange

The Little Dot I+ Hybrid Tube/Transistor Headphone Amplifier

The new Little Dot I+ is a hybrid transistor-vacuum tube headphone amplifier, which combines the smooth, musical sound of tubes with the high output current of transistors. The vacuum tube stage is run in Class-A, the MC33078 operational amplifier (socketed) provides voltage amplification, and BD139/BD140 transistors serve as output buffers. The Little Dot I+ is perfect for driving low impedance headphones that require gobs of current to perform to their full potential. With two gain settings and DIP switches for vacuum tube rolling, the Little Dot I+ offers versatility and incredible sound quality in a tiny footprint!

The Little Dot I+ includes the following tube-rolling options (as well as their equivalents):
• 6JI, WE403A/B, GE5654, M8100, CV4010, EF95
• EF92, CV131
• WE408A

Technical Specifications:
• Input: Gold-Plated Unbalanced Phono (RCA) Jacks
• Output: 1/4" Gold-Plated Stereo Headphone out
• Tube Options:
6JI - standard
Replace standard tubes with EF92 - additional $20 USD
Replace standard tubes with WE408A - additional $50 USD
Frequency Response: 10HZ - 50KHz (-3 dB)
• THD+N:
0.2%: 1Vrms @ 1000Hz
0.6%: 3Vrms @ 1000Hz
1.0%: 5Vrms @ 1000Hz
• Signal-to-Noise: 92dB
• Suitable Headphone Impedance: 8 - 600 ohms
• Input Impedance: 50K ohms
• Power Output:
150mW @ 300 ohms
300mW @ 120 ohms
800mW @ 32 ohms
• User variable gain settings: 6.5x or 3.25x
• Power Consumption: 15VA
• Measurements:
• Metric: 180mm (L) by 97mm (W) by 100mm (H)
• English: 7.08 inches (L) by 3.81 inches (W) by 3.93 inches (H)
• Weight: 1.5 kg or 3.3 lbs.
• Available in Black
• Available in either 120VAC or 220VAC

Little Dot MK II ($115)

Little Dot mk2.jpg
Little Dot mk2.jpg (132.67 KiB) Vist 95018 gange

The Little Dot MK II Headphone Tube Amplifier/Pre-Amp

A newly designed SEPP (single-ended push pull) OTL circuit operating in Class-A, the Little Dot MK II greatly increases sound quality, dynamic range, output impedance, and harmonic distortion over the celebrated Little Dot II++.

The Little Dot MK II now also provides gain control of 3, 5, and 10 via internal DIP switches for fine-tuning so you can maximize synergy with almost any headphone you have, whether it be 32 ohms or 600!

The Little Dot MK II also gains the driver tube-rolling options from the rest of the MK-series with the ability to roll 6JI, WE403A/B, GE5654, M8100, CV4010, EF95, etc at its factory jumper setting, and with jumper pins shorted, EF92, CV131, and all equivalents and drop-in replacements!

Technical Specifications:
• SEPP (Singled-ended Push Pull) OTL in Class-A
• Input: Gold-Plated Unbalanced Phono (RCA) Jacks
• Outputs: 1/4" Gold-Plated Stereo Headphone out, RCA pre-amp out
• Driver Tubes: 6JI
• Power Tubes: 6N6
• Frequency Response: 20HZ - 50KHz (-1dB)
• THD+N: 0.1% (50mW into 300 ohms)
• Suitable Headphone Impedance: 32 - 600 ohms
• Input Impedance: 50K ohms
• Pre-Amplifier Output Impedance: 600 ohms
• Pre-Amplifier Gain: 3-10x (also controlled via gain switches)
• Pre-Amplifier Voltage: 10V RMS
• Pre-Amplification circuit includes both driver and power tubes
• Power Output:
300mW into 300 ohms
200mW into 120 ohms
100mW into 32 ohms
• Power Consumption: 28W (228V x 0.124A)
• Metric: 210mm (length) by 110mm (width) by 130mm (height)
• English: 8.26 inches (length) by 4.33 inches (width) by 4.18 inches (height)
• Weight: 2.5 kg or 5.5 lbs.
• 1 Year Little Dot Warranty

Little Dot MK III ($230)

Little Dot mk3.png
Little Dot mk3.png (1.51 MiB) Vist 95018 gange

Little Dot MK III Headphone Amplifier / Pre-Amplifier

The All-New Little Dot MK III succeeds our Little Dot II++ by improving upon it in every possible way. Boasting the highest stability and sound quality yet, the sound-stage realism and imaging precision have improved dramatically over our previous amplifiers, and even at high volumes the Little Dot MK III delivers a smooth, non-fatiguing sound with no hint of dynamic compression or imaging fuzz. Of course the liquid warm mid-range tube lovers expect is here in spades, balancing right in with a dynamic low-end and a sweet, airy treble. Tracking precision with low distortion is provided by an ALPS-16 potentiometer, and Rubycon, German WIMA and ERO capacitors ensure the internal circuitry is built with quality in mind.

The Little Dot MK III also adds in user-tweaking options such as two gain switches to delivery maximum compatibility with all your headphones, regardless of impedance or sensitivity. Also available for the very first time in a Little Dot amplifier, is an internal jumper to allow use with a wider range of driver tube-rolling, including the EF92, CV131, WE403A/B, 5654, M8100, CV4010, EF95, 6JI as well as all equivalents to these vacuum tubes!

Technical Specifications:
• SEPP (Singled-ended Push Pull) OTL in Class-A
• Frequency response: 12 hz~100 Khz (-1dB)
• THD+N: 0.15% (80 mW @300 ohm)
• Power Output:
350 mW @ 300/600 ohm
300 mW @ 120 ohm
100 mW @ 32 ohm
• Power Consumption: 30W (228V x 0.130A)
• Variable Gain: 3,4,5, or 10x
• Recommended Load Impedance: 32 ohm~600 ohm
• Input Impedance: 50K ohms
• Pre-Amplifier Output Impedance: 600 ohm
• Pre-Amplifier Gain: 3-10x (also controlled via gain switches)
• Pre-Amplifier Voltage: 10V RMS
• Pre-Amplification circuit includes both driver and power tubes
• Driver Tubes: 2x 5654
• Power Tubes: 2x Soviet 6H6n (6H6PI)
• High quality aluminum chassis
• Dimensions (Metric): 270mm deep by 175mm wide by 123mm high
• Dimensions (English): 10.6 inches deep by 6.9 inches wide by 4.8 inches
• Weight: 3 Kg or 6.6 lbs
• 1 Year Little Dot Warranty

Little Dot MK IV ($310, 4SE $430)

Little Dot mk4.jpg
Little Dot mk4.jpg (101.05 KiB) Vist 95018 gange

Little Dot MK IV Headphone Amplifier / Pre-Amplifier

The Little Dot MK IV is our flagship headphone amplifier/pre-amplifier in the Little Dot MK-series. Boasting a SEPP (OTL) in Class-A circuit design filled with high quality components such as an ALPS-27 potentiometer, Nichicon, Rubycon, and German WIMA/ERO capacitors, the Little Dot MK IV is truly our best effort yet. Regardless of whether your headphones are 32 ohms or 600 ohms, the Little Dot MK IV can drive them easily with effortless dynamics (45Vp-p!) , subterranean bass, cavernous soundstage, and precise 3-D imaging.

The Little Dot MK IV also adds in user-tweaking options such as two gain switches to delivery maximum compatibility with all your headphones, regardless of impedance or sensitivity. Also available for the very first time in a Little Dot amplifier, is an internal jumper to allow use with a wider range of driver tube-rolling, including the EF92, CV131, WE403A/B, GE5654, M8100, CV4010, EF95, 6JI as well as all equivalents, derivatives, and direct replacements to these vacuum tubes!

Technical Specifications:
• SEPP (Singled-ended Push Pull) OTL in Class-A
• Frequency response: 10 hz~100 Khz (-1dB)
• THD+N: 0.1% (100 mW @ 300 ohm)
• Power Output:
500 mW @ 300/600 ohm
300 mW @ 120 ohm
100 mW @ 32 ohm
• Power Consumption: 30W (228V x 0.133A)
• Variable Gain: 3,4,5, or 10x
• Recommended Load Impedance: 32 ohm~600 ohm
• Input Impedance: 50K ohms
• Pre-Amplifier Output Impedance: 600 ohms
• Pre-Amplifier Gain: 3-10x (also controlled via gain switches)
• Pre-Amplifier Voltage: 10V RMS
• Pre-Amplification circuit includes both driver and power tubes
• Driver Tubes: 2x JAN 5654
• Power Tubes: 2x Soviet 6H30EH
• High quality aluminum chassis
• Dimensions (Metric): 320mm deep by 220mm wide by 143mm high
• Dimensions (English): 12.6 inches deep by 8.66 inches wide by 5.62 inches
• Weight: 3.5 Kg or 7.7 lbs
• 1 Year Little Dot Warranty (2 Year Little Dot Warranty for MK IV SE)

Little Dot MK VI+ ($900)

Little Dot mk6+.jpg
Little Dot mk6+.jpg (831.61 KiB) Vist 95018 gange

Little Dot MK VI+ Balanced Headphone Amplifier/Pre-Amplifier

The Little Dot MK VI+ is our flagship headphone amplifier/pre-amplifier in the Little Dot MK-series. A fully balanced architecture, the Little Dot MK VI+ has exceptional dynamic range and can produce clean amplitudes of 70Vp-p into 120 ohms! The balanced Class-A SEPP (single-ended push pull) OCL (output capacitor-less) circuit topology delivers rich tonality and brute force clean power for maximum dynamics and low frequency impact. We carefully selected quality components to make up the Little Dot MK VI+ circuit, and you will find Neutrik, ALPS, Vishay-Dale, WIMA, ERO, and CHEMI-COM among the critical circuit components used. The Little Dot MK VI+ also adds in user-tweaking options such as two gain settings to delivery maximum compatibility with your headphones!

Technical Specifications:
• Available in either Black (default) or Silver
• Fully Balanced Architecture
• SEPP (Single-ended Push Pull) OCL (Output CapacitorLess) in Class-A
• Active 2 fan cooling
• Driver Tubes: 2x 6H9C
• Power Tubes: 4x 6080WC
• Inputs:
• Balanced: 2x 3-pin XLR
• Single-ended: 2x RCA
• Outputs:
• Balanced: 4-Pin XLR
• Balanced Pre-Amp: 2x 3-pin XLR
• Single-ended: 1/4" (6.35mm) TRS Stereo jack
• Frequency Response:
5Hz - 80KHz (-3dB)
10Hz - 30KHz (-1dB)
• Input Impedance: 50K ohms
• Pre-Amplifier Output Impedance: 600 ohms
• THD+N:
0.02% (2Vrms @ 1000Hz)
0.06% (10Vrms @ 1000Hz)
0.3% (20Vrms @ 1000Hz)
• Signal-to-Noise: 92 dB
• User Selectable Gain Settings: Low (All Headphones) and High (suitable for AKG K1000)
• Power Output:
5W per channel in 120 ohms
• Power Consumption: 25 VA
• Measurements:
• Metric: 350mm (length) by 290mm (width) by 140mm (height)
• Imperial: 13.8 inches (length) by 11.4 inches (width) by 5.5 inches (height)
• Weight: 9.6 kg or 21 lbs
• Available in either 110-120VAC or 220-240VAC
• One Year Official Little Dot Warranty

Little Dot MK VIII SE ($990)

Little Dot mk8.jpg
Little Dot mk8.jpg (134.25 KiB) Vist 95018 gange

Little Dot MK VIII 8 SE Balanced OCL tube Headphone Amplifier

The Little Dot MK VIII SE further specializes our Little Dot MK VI + platform for no-compromise performance with high impedance headphones. Fully balanced architecture with single-ended headphone functionality as well, the Little Dot MK VIII SE is also dual-mono with independent amplifiers with their own isolated toroidal transformer power supplies. An output capacitor-less design minimizes components in the signal path, delivering a "pure" signal free from unwanted distortion and color. The Little Dot MK VIII SE's sound signature is designed to be provide a reference -level of transparency with a touch of tube warmth and tonal richness. With 60V pp voltage swing, dynamic range and impact is both effortless and thunderous. Low frequencies extend deep with slam and authority, yet remains tight and musical. The Little Dot MK VIII SE is designed to be used with high impedance headphones like Sennheisers (HD600, HD650, HD800) and Beyerdynamics.

Technical Specifications:
• Available in either Black (default) or Silver
• Fully Balanced, Dual-Mono Architecture
• OCL (Output CapacitorLess) in Class-A
• Vacuum Tubes: 2x 12AT7, 4x 6H30PI
• Inputs:
Balanced: 2x 3-pin XLR
Single-ended: 2x RCA
• Outputs:
Balanced: 4-Pin XLR
Balanced Pre-Amp: 2x 3-pin XLR
Single-ended: 1/4 "(6.35mm) TRS Stereo jack
• Frequency Response:
5Hz - 80KHz (-3dB)
10Hz - 30KHz (-1dB)
• Input Impedance: 50K ohms
• Pre-Amplifier Output Impedance: 600 ohms
• THD + N:
0.01% (2Vrms @ 1000Hz)
0.03% (10Vrms @ 1000Hz)
0.2% (20Vrms @ 1000Hz)
• Signal-to-Noise: 96 dB
• User Selectable Gain Settings: Low (All Headphones) and High (suitable for AKG K1000)
• Power Output:
2W per channel @ 600 ohms
1W per channel @ 300 ohms
• Voltage Swing: 60V p-p
• Power Consumption: 110 VA
• Measurements:
• Size: 350mm (length) by 290mm (width) by 140mm (height)
• Imperial: 13.8 inches (length) by 11.4 inches (width) by 5.5 inches (height)
• Weight: 9.6 kg
• Available in either 110-120VAC or 220-240VAC

Little Dot MK IX ($530)

Little Dot MK IX.jpg
Little Dot MK IX.jpg (141 KiB) Vist 95766 gange

Little Dot MK 9 OCL Tube Headphone Amplifier

• The Little Dot MK 9 is a vacuum-tube based headphone amplifier and stereo pre-amplifier. It uses three tubes (front stage: 6N9P, post stage: 2x 6080) in a versatile SEPP (single ended push pull) OCL (output capacitor-less) design that can power headphones of all impedance with unmatched purity of sound.
• The output of this dynamic cathode output circuit provides high dynamic range without a hint of distortion (30Vp-p). Due to the lack of an output capacitor in the signal path, the warmth and tonal richness of tubes can shine though with absolute purity.
• The Little Dot MK 9 can also be used as a pre-amp with all power amps as it incorporates a "zero servo" tracking circuit to ensure the the DC level is 0. There is also a relay protection circuit to protect your valuable headphones.
• Leveraging the RCA 6080 tubes, the Little Dot MK 9 produces high large current output to power even very low impedance headphones to their full potential!

Technical Specifications:
• SEPP (Single-ended Push Pull) OCL (Output CapacitorLess)
• Preamp tube: 6N9P
• Power stage tubes: 2x RCA 6080 (Bias Voltage 22V Bias Current 65mA)
• Inputs: Single-ended: 2x RCA
• Outputs: Pre-Amp: 2x RCA | Single-ended: 1/4" (6.35mm) TRS Stereo jack
• Frequency Response: 12Hz - 100KHz (-1dB)
• Input Impedance: 50K ohms
• Pre-Amplifier Output Impedance: 600 ohms
• THD+N:0.05 % (300 ohm, 80 mW)
• Power Output:
300 mW per channel into 300/600 ohms
350 mW per channel into 120 ohms
250 mW per channel into 32 ohms
• Power Consumption: 80 VA
• Metric: 300mm (length) by 220mm (width) by 150mm (height)
• Imperial: 11.8 inches (length) by 8.7 inches (width) by 5.9 inches (height)
• Weight: 4 kg or 8.81 lbs
• Available in either 110-120VAC or 220-240VAC (pls mail me for the voltage you want!)

(Available on eBay, Aliexpress, et al.)

Re: Rør, hvis du tør - Marvalve Audio

Indlæg: 14. jan 2014, 01:03
af kvik
Marvalve Model One ($1265)

Marvalve Model One.jpg
Marvalve Model One.jpg (104.99 KiB) Vist 95770 gange

Innovative circuit design

While EL84 tube is famous for its great sound, we do not connect it in triode/ pentode/ultra-linear mode like countless other audio amplifiers. Instead, we introduced a revolutionary design to use EL84’s screen grid as an anode. Since the screen is closer to the cathode than the anode plate, linearity and noise performance are both improved. The suppressor grid and the anode plate are both grounded to act as double Faraday shields, further reducing noise and electromagnetic interference from outside. The direct result of our circuit innovation is enhanced warmth and transparency.

A special class of high-tech diodes (almost never used in audio circuits) is strategically placed in the tube circuit to provide superior voltage regulation (unrelated to power supply).

No-feedback circuit design for pure sound and better transient response

By operating EL84 tube at a very low voltage, tube temperature is reduced (safer) and tube life extended (perfect for rolling expensive NOS tubes).

Single-stage amplification using one tube per channel offers lower noise and distortion performance compared to two-stage tube amplification seen in most amplifiers.

Only one active component in the signal path, just EL84 as screen-connected triode—arguably the world’s purest and simplest headphone amplifier circuit, but powerful enough to drive Sennheiser HD800 to rocking levels.

Quality components

The volume control is often the weakest link component in the audio chain. Even potentiometers from famous brands using carbon films (ubiquitous in hi-end audio) can suffer from poor contact after extended use, adding audio distortion. Instead, we utilized scientific-instrument-grade, 10-turn precision potentiometers. These have internal metal-metal contacts for greatest durability and lowest distortion.

Custom-made output transformers manufactured in Taiwan. They are made to our exact specifications for screen-as-anode connection of EL84, instead of using off-the-shelf components made in China.

New-old-stock tube sockets made in UK—much more reliable than current Chinese productions.

Optimized circuit board layout to minimize electromagnetic interference

Neutrik 1/4” locking headphone jacks

Flexible user control

Most headphone drivers are not precisely matched in terms of output levels. It is quite common to find a pair of headphones with suboptimal L/R balance, and this results in partial collapse of the soundstage and reduced ambience. Most potentiometers used for volume controls also suffer from poor L/R balance after the carbon film wears out with extended use. Our solution is to use two 10-turn precision potentiometers to control each channel separately, which allows the listener to find the perfect stereo balance for optimal hi-fi experience.

Some headphones sound best with high-impedance outputs, while others prefer with low-impedance outputs. Some amplifiers have a switch which allows the impedance to be adjusted, but even the best switch develops contact interface noise with age. So we incorporated both high impedance (1/4” jack, >60 ohms) and low impedance (1/8” jack, <60 ohms) outputs. This allows all types of headphones to be optimally driven.

Marvalve Model One excels in driving sensitive in-ear headphones due to its ultra-low noise floor. And yet it is also powerful enough to drive full-size flagship headphones like Sennheiser HD800 to its fullest potential.


• Freqency Response: 20Hz~20kHz
• Input Imedance: 20k ohm
• Output Power: 20mW
• Matching Headphone Impedance: 20~100 ohm (3.5mm) and 300~600 ohm (6.3mm)
• Dimension: 70mmX100mmX216mm
• Weight: 1800g
• Tube: EL84 x 2
• Fuse: 0.5A
• Power Input: 100V, 110V, 220V specifically set up for different area
• Power Consumption: ~15W outlet: ... iewid=1176

NOTE: The Marvalve Audio website went dead 2 years back, though facebook activity continued a little longer. Someone is still selling the amps on taiwanese shopee site, so in light of Covid-19 the company might just be on hold or working under constrained conditions, therefore the entry will remain for now.

Re: Rør, hvis du tør - Dominance Amps

Indlæg: 14. jan 2014, 01:06
af kvik
Dominance HDP 600 (€500)

Dominance HDP600.jpg
Dominance HDP600.jpg (44.15 KiB) Vist 74954 gange

Headphone & Preamp Tube Amplifier

• Single Ended Triode Pure Class A
• Zero Negative Feedback
• Two inputs
• 3-step line level attenuator: 0dB, -3dB, -6dB
• Dominance custom transformers with selectable independent output impedances:  16, 32, 64, 150, 300, 600 Ohm

• Rated Power: 300mW/channel
• Input impedance: 100 KOhm
• Frequency: 16Hz – 30KHz
• Input sensitivity: 1,5V ... amplifier/

Dominance Trinity (price unknown)

Dominance Trinity.jpg
Dominance Trinity.jpg (80.79 KiB) Vist 95770 gange

Triode Pure Class A 2A3 Amplifier.

• 3 main functions:
Tube Amplifier (8 Ω)
Line Preamplifier (150/300/600 Ω)
Headphone amplifier (16/32/64/150/300/600 Ω).
• Zero Negative Feedback
• Custom Dominance transformers
• Auto-bias

• Power: 3W
• Tubes: 2A3 & E88CC
• Sensitivity: 1V
• Weight: 11kg ... amplifier/

Re: Rør, hvis du tør - FLUXION Audio Technology

Indlæg: 14. jan 2014, 01:10
af kvik
NOTE: GM-2 has been discontinued, possibly A-JG9 as well, however as the manufacturer offers custom builds, both are left in for reference. For current offerings see canuckaudiomart link at the bottom.

FLUXION GM-2 (C$1290)

FLUXION GM-2.jpg (201.16 KiB) Vist 94728 gange

FLUXION GM-2, 300B SE tube stereo amp amplifier, 8 watts/CH , headphone output

GM-2 is a versatile 300B SE tube amplifier for audiophiles. It has a headphone output jack which can be used as a headphone amplifier as well. Because of 2 active ripple filter by high current transistor, there's no AC hum at all.

• Designed to have long tube life(Pd/tube=32 Watts, 380V X 0.085A=32 Watts. max. Pd=40Watts
• Self bias for easy operation
• Separated 2 bias check points for accurate tube matching and plate current calculation. ex. if tested bias voltage is 70V, Ip=70 / 0.82 = 85mA(Rk=820 ohm). max. Ip of 300B(self bias)=100mA.
• 2 DC Active regulated power supply (by 10A power transistors) for 300B heaters: Residual noise is greatly suppressed under 2mV. Very very low AC hum noise for direct heated tube amplification.
• As a headphone amplifier: Headphone output level is designed for high quality / high impedance headphones such as Beyerdynamic DT-880 250 ohm type. If low impedance HP is used, sound level will be too high at same volume control position. strong intensity of sound and long hour can cause hearing loss.
• HP / SPK switch: When HP switch is turned on, only headphone output is active. however when 16 ohm speaker terminals are connected to speakers, speaker connection will not be disconnected.
• Standby switch: SB switch is installed at front panel to protect high priced tubes.

• Tubes included: 12AT7(USA NOS), 6CG7(USSR, NOS), 2 300B(shuguang)
• Continuous output power : 7~8 watts / channel
• Total harmonic distortion(THD) : 0.5~2 % at max output power(depends on tubes).
• Frequency response: 20Hz(-1.5dB)~20KHz(-1.5dB), ~30KHz(-3.5dB).
• NFB = 3dB only
• Input sensitivity = 230mV
• Output impedance = 8 and 16 OHM
• SNR : 70dB(1 : 3100).
• Power consumption: Approx. 150 W.
• Size: 260(W) x 350(D) x 220(H) mm, H is from bottom to the top of power tubes.
• Weight: Apprx. 12 kg
• Warrenty: 2 year labour and parts warrenty (tubes are not included)
• Top/front/back panel: 2 / 10 / 2mm thick anodized aluminum, CNC machined.
• Wood frame: Canadian natural wood, CNC machined and finger joint finish.
• Resistors: Metal film type 2 watt(or 1 watt), wirewound type 5 watt. S. Korea made.
• Capacitors: Metalized polyester film type(0.1uF 600V), electrolytic 100uF 310V, 82uF 450V. S. Korea made. High priced capacitors can be installed by buyer's request (extra charge)
• Volume control: ALPS 100KA dual.
• Switches: 250V 3A DPDT, Taiwan made. ... ne-output/

FLUXION A-JG9 (C$1590)

FLUXION A-JG9.jpg (492.27 KiB) Vist 94728 gange

FLUXION A-JG9, 2A3 preamplifier w Phono EQ, transformer coupled output, 2 separated outputs

Features & Specifications
• Tubes: V1 & V2 12AX7 (phono EQ), V3 12AU7, V4 & V5 2A3
• 2A3 SE output circuit coupled with single plate line output transformers, self bias
• High performance DC regulated active ripple filters for all tubes, eliminates AC hum noises.
• Residual noise: 1.5~2.5mV only for direct heated output tubes
• 2 independent line outputs, one of them has variable level controls (R, L)
• Headphone monitor jack: Suitable for 30~250 ohm headphone enthusiasts
• Output impedance: 600 ohms
• FR: 20Hz~20KHz=0dB, ~40KHz=-3dB
• Output level: 3Vrms @ 300mV input
• THD: less than 1%
• Coupling capacitors: MPF type (Solen, France) and PIO type (Taihan, S. Korea)
• Resistors: Metal film type 2 & 1 watt, wirewound 5 watt. made in S. Korea
• Line out and power transformers are designed and built by electronic engineer Young Ahn
• Supreme quality Si-Fe core (S. Korea made) for Line output XFMRs to get perfect frequency response.
• Phono circuit: MM only, designed for 2mV input sensitivity
• RIAA curve response: ±5%
• Phono output level: 100mV @ 2mV input.
• Power consumption: Approx. 80 watts
• Size: Approx. 260(W) X 380(D) X 190(H) mm, H is from bottom to transformer
• Weight: Approx. 10kg
• Warrenty: 2 year parts and labour warranty (tubes are not included) ... -phono-eq/

Current canuckaudiomart ads: ... _id=114697
ebay profile:
Review: ... amplifier/

Re: Rør, hvis du tør - Venture Electronics

Indlæg: 14. jan 2014, 01:58
af kvik
VE Enterprise E Lite ($2560)

VE Enterprise E Lite.jpg
VE Enterprise E Lite.jpg (701 KiB) Vist 86219 gange

Elecrostatic Headphone Tube Amplifier

• Model: Enterprise E Lite
• Connector Complement: 2×XLR for Input / 1×STAX PRO jack for Output
• Frequency Response: 20Hz-20KHz,-0.2dB
• Maximum Current Output: 0.007A
• Maximum Voltage Output: 325V RMS(1KHz)
• Maximum Power Output, for STAX 009: 4.05mA 325V RMS per channel(20K Hz)
• Maximum Power Output, for STAX 007MKII: 3.46mA 325V RMS per channel(20K Hz)
• THD: ≤0.01%,(100V RMS,1KHz)
• IMD: ≤0.01%
• SNR: ≥112dB,100V RMS,1KHz,unweighted
• Crosstalk: ≥98dB,20Hz-20KHz
• Gain: 57dB
• Bias: 580V
• Topology: BJT Folded Cascode+Tube with CCS
• Vacuum Tube: 6SN7GTB*2
• Power Supply: 230V/115V 50-60Hz
• Power Consumption: 150W MAX
• Size: 370*220*140(L*W*H,mm)
• Weight: 9kg(only amp) ... .eac_id=22

Re: Rør, hvis du tør - Bottlehead

Indlæg: 14. jan 2014, 12:16
af kvik
Bottlehead Crack 1.1 (Crack $350, Speedball upgrade +$115)

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Bottlehead Crack.jpg (705.91 KiB) Vist 32923 gange

This is what we call a Skill Level 1 kit, perfect for first time builders. The circuit is so simple you can build it in an evening or two. A simple circuit also means a low parts count, which keeps the price low, too. Crack is an output transformerless amp designed for higher impedance headphones like the Sennheiser, AKG and Beyer designs. The Crack has now become the Crack 1.1. The new manual has almost twice the number of pictures and was re-written from the ground up to help steer builders away from the common pitfalls we’ve seen over the years. And the new version has a universal transformer for all the international Crackateers!

We employ some old circuit friends in the Crack design:

A Bottlehead PT-10 power transformer feeds a power supply configuration similar to the one made famous in our original Foreplay – ultrafast rectifiers supplying a simple C-R-C-R-C supply – with plenty of capacitance for a quiet background.

A 12AU7 configured just like the “front half” of the Foreplay III is direct coupled to a 6080 tube configured as a cathode follower. To keep the kit price manageable (the kit is about 1/4 of the price of some past OTL amps) we use surprisingly nice sounding electrolytic capacitors as the output coupling capacitors, but of course our kits often induce tweaking – in fact we imagine Crack may become the biggest cause of tweaking yet. You could spend more on different large 100uF film capacitors than you than you did on the kit and spend hours putting in different caps and comparing them. And of course you can tweak to your hearts content tube rolling different 12AU7 and 6080/6AS7 variants.

A single pair of gold RCA jacks, a stereo potentiometer volume control and a Neutrik 1/4″ TRS headphone jack complete the signal path, and the kit comes with an IEC power entry socket so you can use one of those fancy $2500 power cords on your $299 kit if you so desire. Or you can order a really great sounding cord from us for a whole lot less.

It comes in a standard Bottlehead “gravity mount” cabinet configuration where all components mount on a 10″ x 6″ laser cut aluminum chassis plate that sits on a lovely Northwest alder wood base that you assemble and finish yourself. The manual is in PDF format and you can blow up the high res photos to see each assembly step in detail.

The approximate specs are input impedance 100K ohms, output impedance 120 ohms, gain about 15dB into a 300 ohm load like a Sennheiser HD600, max output about 10V into a 300 ohm load. ... ifier-kit/

Bottlehead S.E.X. 3.0 (S.E.X. $595, C4S upgrade +$35)

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Bottlehead S_E_X.jpg (984.18 KiB) Vist 32923 gange

The S.E.X. 3.0 kit is a stereo integrated single ended triode (SET) amplifier of 2 watts per channel output. It will run any dynamic headphones – even AKG K1000s & Audeze LCD-2s – to great effect,

The two stage zero feedback RC coupled circuit uses parallel feed (a.k.a. parafeed) output, a topology championed for use in modern single ended amplifiers by Bottlehead and MagneQuest

The combination of low noise and ample transformer coupled output drive means the S.E.X. amp is perfect for use both as a loudspeaker amp and as a headphone amp, It works great with high efficiency (97 dB or higher) speakers for listening room systems that work well with similarly powered 45 amps, and practically begs to be plugged into computer sound cards and smaller speakers for desktop audio systems. The exceptional low noise performance means that it works well with headphones of virtually any impedance. The integral level control makes a very simple system possible. Only the addition of a source (CD player, portable disc player, Ipod, sound card, phono preamp, tuner, etc.) and speakers or headphones is needed to get the three dimensional, highly resolved sound of single ended triodes.

And remember that the “X” stands for eXperimenter! The kit comes with 6FJ7 dual triode tubes. While designed as an integrated amplifier the kit could be converted to use as a low output impedance line stage, a 4 watt parallel single ended monoblock amplifier, a 2watt single channel monoblock amplifier with shunt regulated power, and the hardcore eXperimenter might even convert it into a 10 watt push pull class AB monoblock amplifier! The Bottlehead community is composed of highly creative individuals and you can find a smorgasbord of mod ideas for this kit on the Bottlehead Forum. We also plan to have some of our own upgrade options available in the future, making the S.E.X. kit one of the most versatile SE amp kits in existence.

The kit assembles on a 10″X8″x.080″ brushed aluminum chassis plate and comes with a beautiful Pacific Northwest alder wood base kit that you can assemble and finish to taste. RCA jacks are high quality gold plated, and the binding posts are durable color coded dual units. The 1/4″ stereo headphone jack is by Neutrik. This kit also employs a fused power entry module that allows the use of IEC terminated power cords. A standard North American IEC type cord is included and you can try out our Bottlehead Power Cord and your own experimental power cords as well. International customers will need to provide their own power cable. Wiring is entirely point to point.

The amplifier’s power output is approximately 2 watts RMS per channel at 10% THD at 500Hz, similar to a single ended 45 tube amplifier. Frequency response at 1V output is -3dB at 27Hz and 22kHz. The amplifier has an input sensitivity of .62V RMS and a gain of approximately 15 dB at 1 kHz. Input impedance is 100Kohms.

This is what we call a Skill Level 1.5 kit. Assembly is a one or two evening affair, designed for the builder with a little or (if you are patient and willing to carefully follow directions) no kit assembly experience. A very thorough assembly manual (the S.E.X. Manual) is included in Adobe PDF format, containing step by step printed instructions you check off as you work, detailed photos of the chassis underside and components, and a thorough checkout procedure. ... -speakers/

Bottlehead Crackatwoa (Crackatwoa $770, TwoQuiet Stepped Attenuator +$245)

Bottlehead Crack-a-two-a.jpg
Bottlehead Crack-a-two-a.jpg (823.44 KiB) Vist 32923 gange

Crackatwoa is a premium version of the direct coupled Crack circuit with the C4S active loads of the Speedball incorporated, and also shunt voltage regulation in the form of two 6AQ5 tubes along with a bigger power transformer. There are three pairs of RCA input jacks and a volume and balance control. The standard potentiometer controlled volume/balance setup will be upgrade-able to a coarse and fine stepped attenuator very similar to the BeeQuiet attenuator used in the BeePre preamp and a similar style used in our most premium Mainline headphone amp. Like Crack this amp is intended to be used with high impedance headphones (200 ohms or higher) like Sennheiser HD600/650/800, Beyerdynamic 250 and 600 ohms headphones, etc.

The chassis is twice as big as the Crack chassis and along with fitting in the extra inputs, shunt regs and attenuator components there is plenty of space for those humongous output coupling caps everyone wants to add to their build.

Crackatwoa sonics? Compared to the Crack the shunt regulation gives a slightly more quiet background and a sense of better bandwidth and bass control. The balance control allows one to compensate for the tolerance variations in the volume pot that create imbalance at low volume settings in some Crack builds. Upgrading to the stepped attenuator is as big an improvement in the OTL circuit as we have found it to be in all of our other circuits that incorporate it – the presentation is more resolved and more natural, particularly vocals.

This kit doesn’t replace Crack in the lineup. Crack is just too great a value for the dollar to let it go. The intent here is to offer a higher level of performance potential than one could ever squeeze into the Crack’s chassis or price point, while keeping well below the cost of the more premium Mainline kit. Life is not interesting without many choices, and this is another really interesting one.

Bottlehead Mainline ($1430)

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Bottlehead Mainline.jpg (812.32 KiB) Vist 32923 gange

Mainline is our premium headphone amp. It uses 6C45pis as the power tubes and a 12AU7 as the two channel hybrid shunt voltage regulator, which is fed by a CRCRC power supply using Cree high voltage Schottky rectifiers . The 6C45s and the shunt regulator are both loaded with C4S active loads. The circuit has Zero global negative feedback as usual and parafeed transformer output using the same OT-3 transformer we used in Smack.

There is a switch which sets the output impedance for low or high impedance headphones, one that sets the output to single ended or balanced, and a source selector for two sets of single ended RCA inputs. Output jacks are both from Neutrik – the fancy locking TRS jack that tweakers seem to fancy for their Crack kit, and a four pin XLR wired in the standard AKG K1000 pinout for the balanced jack. The attenuator is the same as used in our Submissive 36 step attenuator with six coarse 9dB steps and six fine 1.5dB steps for a total of 56 dB attenuation. The production version will have a cool acrylic overlay for the controls like our BeePre 300B preamp.

Output power is about 600mW. Input impedance is 25Kohms minimum. Gain is around 12dB into 32 ohm headphones at the low impedance output setting. We have used the amp with everything from low impedance Grados to high impedance Sennheisers and even power hungry Audeze phones. They all sound great.

Bear in mind that at $1100 this is essentially the same concept that we used in a custom $7500 headphone amp that we built 10 years ago. The difference is that Mainline uses high quality current production components like Vishay resistors, Panasonic electrolytic capacitors, Cree Shottky rectifers, rather than super rare and exotic vintage parts. The fact that we’ve added a few circuit improvements that we’ve developed over the past ten years to that over the top amp design of ten years ago makes it all the more worthy of your consideration for a headphone amp to complement the quality of your high end headphones. ... lifier-kit

Re: Rør, hvis du tør - Tektron

Indlæg: 14. jan 2014, 12:55
af kvik
Tektron TK One Head (€3850)

Tektron TK5687PSES-I.jpeg
Tektron TK5687PSES-I.jpeg (554.57 KiB) Vist 82502 gange

• Features: Matched tubes: ECC82 x 2 - 5687 x 4 - 6ZY5 x 2
• Inputs: 2 line input unbalanced + 1 line input balanced.
• Output preamplifier: 1 line ouput
• Technology: OTL
• Signal input: 800 mV for max power.
• Outputs: 1 W / Channel.
• Volume: separate volume control with high quality potentiometer.
• Connectors: Connectors of very high quality.
• Outputs impedance: 16 - 800 ohm.
• Frequency range: 10 - 55.000 Hz.
• Power Supply: 100/115/230/240 VAC - 50/60Hz.
• Other voltage are available upon request.
• Dimensions and weight: 35 x 23 x 16 cm. - 5Kg
• Finish: Solid wood - Italian olive, walnut, rosewood, padauk, wenge, mahogany or black lacquered. Copper top plate, brass upon request.
• Notes: Artisanal product made in Italy. Point to point built (NO pcb). High quality components.
• Additional information: NOS tubes included upon request. CE - RoHs - RAEE compliant.

Re: Rør, hvis du tør - White Bird Amplification

Indlæg: 14. jan 2014, 15:03
af kvik
WBA HPA Master ($416)

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WBA HPA Master.jpg (150 KiB) Vist 86763 gange

HPA Master ﹣ OTL Single Ended headphone amplifier

The sound offered by this model is a warm, spatial and dynamic. This is thanks to characteristic of electron tubes that offer a lot of details, which can be modified if necessary by using different models of tubes. The midrange and treble are given in a natural, non-irritating way, so that even prolonged listening to music does not cause fatigue.

The amplifier offers the possibility of creating the sound individually by replacing the tubes. The most important influence on changes in the character of the sound has a single driver tube, followed by a pair of power tubes. The HPA Master can successfully use all ECC88 tube equivalents as a control lamp and 6N6P equivalents as a power / output stage tube. Tubes can be replaced without interfering with the interior of the amplifier.

HPA Master works with headphones with an impedance range from 32Ω to 400Ω. Its optimum match in terms of load is obtained with low-noise headphones – up to 100Ω, but can also work with headphones with higher impedance, provided that their efficiency is not lower than 100dB. Otherwise, the headphones may sound a bit quieter.

The operation without the use of output transformers ensures the highest precision of sound and least distortion. The output of both channels is realized from the cathode of power tubes after passing through the Nichicon KZ Muse signal capacitors specially designed for audio devices. The power supply integrated with the amplifier is equipped with electronic filters, which ensures a high work culture (no distortions, noise and hum).

The HPA Master is made in a solid metal housing standing on aluminum legs with a rubber stabilizing the amplifier on the base on the bottom. The network connector is an IEC type socket.

• Amplifier type: tube, class A, triode, OTL
• Output power: 2 x 300mW / 34 Ω
• Input impedance: 50kΩ
• Amplitude of input voltage: 2 V – 12 V (max)
• Anode power supply: 200 VDC
• Heater: 6.3 VAC
• Tubes: 1 x 6922 EHG, 2 x 6N6P
• Load impedance range: 24Ω – 400Ω
• Inputs: 1 x RCA Stereo
• Outputs: 1 x TRS Stereo, 2 x RCA Stereo
• Power consumption: 20W
• Fuse: 400mA
• Weight: 7.5 kg
• Dimensions: 310mm (width), 260mm (depth), 70mm (high) ... amplifier/

WBA HPA Master Pro ($577)

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WBA HPA Master Pro.jpg (128.33 KiB) Vist 86763 gange

HPA Master PRO ﹣ OTL Single Ended headphone amplifier

The sound offered by this model is a warm, spatial and dynamic. This is thanks to characteristic of electron tubes that offer a lot of details, which can be modified if necessary by using different models of tubes. The midrange and treble are given in a natural, non-irritating way, so that even prolonged listening to music does not cause fatigue. The HPA Master PRO can successfully use all ECC88 tube equivalents as a control lamp and 6N6P equivalents as a power / output stage tube. Tubes can be replaced without interfering with the interior of the amplifier.

HPA Master PRO is equipped with a fully active tube preamplifier, which allows it to be used as a preamplifier between a linear signal source (eg CD) and a power amplifier. The model has a control system for input signals. It is possible to connect up to three signal sources to it. Signal control is realized by mechanical relays, which avoids the impact of the noise on the audio signals. In addition this model offers 100% separation of channels (which normally is not always possible with semiconductor components). The relays switching audio signals are placed in the immediate vicinity of the input sockets, and ensures that the influence of wires on the input signals is omitted. The rotary source selector located on the front panel operates in a circuit completely separated from the audio track and is not responsible for the switching of signals, but only sends messages to the microcontroller that controls the mechanical relays. The output of the preamplifier section is based on two parallel pairs of RCA sockets so it is possible to connect the preamplifier section to two signal receivers (eg power amplifiers).

HPA Master PRO works with headphones with an impedance range from 32Ω to 400Ω. Its optimum match in terms of load is obtained with low-noise headphones – up to 100Ω, but can also work with headphones with higher impedance, provided that their efficiency is not lower than 100dB. Otherwise, the headphones may sound a bit quieter.

The operation without the use of output transformers ensures the highest precision of sound and least distortion. The output of both channels is realized from the cathode of power tubes after passing through the Nichicon KZ Muse signal capacitors specially designed for audio devices. The power supply integrated with the amplifier is equipped with electronic filters, which ensures a high work culture (no distortions, noise and hum).

The HPA Master is made in a solid metal housing standing on aluminum legs with a rubber stabilizing the amplifier on the base on the bottom. The network connector is an IEC type socket.

• Amplifier type: tube, class A, triode, OTL
• Output power: 2 x 300mW / 34 Ω
• Input impedance: 50kΩ
• Amplitude of input voltage: 2 V – 12 V (max)
• Anode power supply: 200 VDC
• Heater: 6.3 VAC
• Tubes: 1 x 6922 EHG, 2 x 6N6P
• Load impedance range: 24Ω – 400Ω
• Inputs: 3 x RCA Stereo
• Outputs: 1 x TRS Stereo, 2 x RCA Stereo
• Power consumption: 20W
• Fuse: 400mA
• Weight: 7.5 kg
• Dimensions: 310mm (width), 260mm (depth), 70mm (high) ... amplifier/

WBA Virtus-01 ($1456)

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WBA Virtus-01.jpg (130.23 KiB) Vist 86763 gange

Virtus-01 ﹣ OTL Single Ended headphone amplifier

Virtus-01 has Dual Mono construction — each channel, apart from being a completely separate amplifier, has four independent power supplies supplying power to selected sections of the system. To ensure the best operating conditions, the power supply of the driver tubes provide their heaters direct current. The filtration completely eliminates the disturbances of the power network and ensures precise working voltage. Two toroidal power transformers are made in technology used in audio equipment (elimination of transformer hums). Complete separation of the amplifier channels through eight independent power supplies and two power transformers offer space and stage at the highest level. KT lamps are known for their dynamic and precise sound. They are very versatile and work well in any musical style. The sound is warm, detailed and massive.

Virtus-01 has in each channel a tube voltage amplification stage and buffer amplifier realized on the 6922 EHG lamp. KT tubes work in a duplicate system where the signal from their cathodes after passing through the output capacitors is fed to the headphones.

All ECC88 tube counterparts can be used in the ECC lamp section, eg 6922, 6N23P, 6N23P-EW, 6DJ8 etc. The tube lifetime of this type can reach up to 10,000h.

Virtus-01 works with headphones with an impedance range from 24Ω to 600Ω. Its optimum match in terms of load is obtained with headphones with an impedance of around 100Ω, but thanks to the large reserve of output power it can also work with headphones with a higher impedance than rated.

The operation mode without the use of output transformers ensures the highest precision of sound and least distortion. The output of both channels is made of power tube cathodes after passing through Nichicon KZ Muse signal capacitors dedicated specially for high quality audio devices. Three types of tubes can be used in the power section of the Virtus-01 amplifier: KT88, KT120 and KT150. It does not require any changes in the amplifier system, because Virtus has an auto-bias system that allows its electronics to be adjusted to the type of lamps used. The maximum output power of the amplifier closes from 2 x 1W for KT88 through 2 x 1,2W for KT120 to 2 x 1,5W for KT150. This makes it possible to use Virtus also as an amplifier for planar headphones, whose impedance is similar to its output impedance, that is around 80Ω – 120Ω. For planar headphones that require more power output from the amplifier, we recommend our AB class models that offer a power of over 10W per channel.

Virtus-01 is made in a solid metal casing standing on aluminum legs with a rubber stabilizing the amplifier on the base on the bottom. On the front panel there are illuminated analogue VU meters, of which tips swing dynamically to the rhythm of the music. The amplifier can be optionally equipped with an additional pair of XLR connectors (stereo input), as well as an attenuator (48-step resistor ladder from the Polish manufacturer Khozmo Acoustic). The network connector is an IEC type socket.

• Type: tube, class A, triode, tetrode, OTL
• Tube complement: ECC88 Gold Lion, KT150 x2
• Power output at 85Ω load: 2 x 1W (KT88); 2 x 1.2W (KT120); 2 x 1.5W (KT150)
• Input impedance: 50kΩ
• Amplitude of input voltage: 2 V – 12 V (max)
• Anode power supply: 250 VDC
• Heater: 6.3 VAC, 6.3 VDC
• Load impedance range: 24Ω – 600Ω
• Inputs: 1 x RCA Stereo
• Outputs: 1 x TRS Stereo
• Power consumption: 200W
• Fuse: 3.15A
• Weight: 13 kg
• Dimensions: 305mm (W), 400mm (deep), 80mm (H)"

• Front panel: Granite (gloss black) +$438
• Volume control: Khozmo 48-step attenuator +$122
• Wooden case: +$135
• Inputs: Unbal XLR stereo +$27 ... amplifier/

WBA Virtus 300B ($1488)

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WBA Virtus 300B.jpg (230.93 KiB) Vist 86763 gange

Virtus-300B ﹣ OTL Single Ended headphone amplifier (without output transformer, class A) in the Dual Mono architecture. The use of 300B triodes in an efficient work system in the power stage allows the device to work with many dynamic headphone models. Optimal impedance matching (headphone resistance) amplifier reaches at 200 Ohm, but thanks to the relatively high output power (OTL mode), the equipment provides 2 x 1W headphones, which in the case of dynamic (non-planar) headphones models is already a large reserve in terms of performance and even when using headphones with lower and higher impedance than the nominal one it is able to successfully control them. As standard, 6922 EHG or equivalent of the popular ECC88 are used as driver tubes. The sound of the model is a warm, spatial and dynamic – characteristic for electron tubes – with a lot of details, which can be modified if necessary by using different models of tubes.

Dual Mono construction — each channel, apart from being a completely separate amplifier, has four independent power supplies supplying power to selected sections of the system. To ensure the best operating conditions, the power supply of the driver tubes provide their heaters direct current. The filtration completely eliminates the disturbances of the power network and ensures precise working voltage. Two toroidal power transformers are made in technology used in audio equipment (elimination of transformer hums). Complete separation of the amplifier channels through eight independent power supplies and two power transformers offer space and stage at the highest level. 300B power triodes are making sound warm but not slowing it down and they do not lower the resolution. Virtus-300B has in each channel a tube voltage amplification stage and a current follower (the so-called buffer) realized on the 6922 EHG tube. 300B Tubes work in a repeater system where the signal from their cathodes after passing through the output capacitors is fed to the headphones.

All ECC88 tube equivalents can be used in the ECC tube section, eg 6922, 6N23P, 6N23P-EW, 6DJ8 etc. The lifetime of this type of tubes can reach up to 10,000 hours. The operation mode without the use of output transformers ensures the highest precision of sound and least distortion. The output of both channels is made of power tube cathodes after passing through Nichicon KZ Muse signal capacitors dedicated to specially high quality audio devices. In the power section of the Virtus-300B amplifier, various types of 300B tubes can be used. It does not require any changes in the amplifier system, because Virtus has an auto-bias system that allows its electronics to be automatically adjusted to the type of tubes used. The maximum output power of the amplifier is up to 2 x 1W.

Virtus-300B is made in a solid metal casing standing on aluminum legs with a rubber stabilizing the amplifier on the base on the bottom. On the front panel there are illuminated analogue VU meters, the tips of which swing dynamically to the rhythm of the music. The amplifier can be optionally equipped with an additional pair of XLR connectors (stereo input), as well as an attenuator (48-step resistor ladder from the Polish manufacturer Khozmo Acoustic). The IEC connector is a network connector.

• Type: tube, class A, triode
• Output power at 200Ω load: 2 x 1W
• Input impedance: 50kΩ
• Amplitude of input voltage: 2 V – 12 V (max)
• Load impedance range: 64Ω – 350Ω
• Anode power supply: 250 VDC
• Heater: 6.3 VDC, 5 VDC
• Inputs: 1 x RCA Mono
• Output: 1 x TRS Stereo
• Power consumption: 200 W
• Fuse: 3.15A
• Weight: 15 kg
• Dimensions: 305mm (W), 400mm (deep), 80mm (H)

• Volume control: Khozmo 48-step attenuator +$295
• Inputs: Unbal XLR stereo +$27 ... amplifier/ ... rtus-300b/

WBA Tzar (upcoming model, price and details tba)

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WBA Tzar.jpeg (61.44 KiB) Vist 42711 gange ... t-15984905

WBA Electron Ort (upcoming model, price and details tba)

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WBA Electron Ort.jpg (166.19 KiB) Vist 42711 gange

WBA Electron Dual Mono (upcoming model, price and details tba)

WBA Electron Dual Mono.jpg
WBA Electron Dual Mono.jpg (167.12 KiB) Vist 42711 gange ... ba/page/4/

Re: Rør, hvis du tør - Line Magnetic Audio

Indlæg: 14. jan 2014, 15:23
af kvik
Line Magnetic Mini-218IA ($425)

Line Magnetic Mini 218IA.jpg
Line Magnetic Mini 218IA.jpg (248.19 KiB) Vist 32576 gange

Product features:
• Mini 218 EL84 Single ended integrated.
• Specially designed EI transformer for power supply.
• EI output transformers with wide bandwidth are applied.
• 12AX7s are used in the preamp stage.
• EL84 tubes are used for AB1 push-pull amplification.
• User bias control is accessible on top of the amplifiers panel with true ampere meter
• Headphone output, one input.
• 3 watts single ended class A.
• Point to point wiring used throughout.
• 4 and 8 ohm output taps.
• Comes with a tube cage.
• Silver edition is standard, Black or White special order available upon application.

• Vacuum tubes: 12AX7× 2, EL84× 2
• Power output:3W+3W
• Frequency response:10Hz~50kHz(-1.5dB)
• THD:1%(1kHz)
• S/N Ratio:87dB
• Input Sensitivity:210mV
• Input Impedance:100kΩ
• Output impedance (speaker): 4Ω, 8Ω
• Dimensions (WHD) 10.9 × 8.2 × 19 c m
• Weight 2.9 k g ... p-866.html

Note: Line Magnetic Mini-218IA is almost identical to Mini-84IA, only difference appears to be the addition of Tape-Out on the latter. ... 84ia-mini/

Re: Rør, hvis du tør -

Indlæg: 14. jan 2014, 19:32
af kvik

Re: Rør, hvis du tør - Opera Consonance

Indlæg: 14. jan 2014, 19:36
af kvik
Opera Consonance Cyber 20 mk2 (€930)

Opera Consonance Cyber 20.jpg
Opera Consonance Cyber 20.jpg (122.06 KiB) Vist 85902 gange

Cyber-20 is the first high-end vacuum tube headphone amplifier produced by Opera Audio. It uses two EL84 connected in triode mode single end operation being driven by a single 12AU7. A separate power supply using LC filtering is being used. All connections are by point-to-point wiring. Worth mentioning is, Cyber-20 is the first vacuum tube headphone amplifier in China that uses an output transformer. The selectable output impedance of the output transformer is done by a switch at the front panel. With this switch the amplifier can adapt to headphone having impedance ranging from 10 to 600 ohm. This enable high-end headphone user getting choices over many different headphone in the market. Dual headphone output makes it easy for two listeners to enjoy the music together under the same conditions for easy comparison. The top of Cyber-20 is covered with African solid rose wood. With its cute outlook and small size, an ideal compliment to its warm, transparent and powerful musical performance.

• Control Functions: Volume, Gain (low/high) Switch, Power On/Off
• Output Impedance: (low) 10-200 ohms , (high) 200-600 ohms
• Output Power at 1 kHz: 1W x2 RMS
• Bandwidth at -3dB: 20Hz - 40kHz (1W)
• Signal / Noise: 90dB
• Input Interfaces: 1 group (RCA)
• Input Impedance: 50k
• Input Sensitivity for Rated Output: 900mV
• Output Interfaces: 2 groups (6.5mm Mic Jack)
• Consumption: 26W
• Vacuum Tube: EL84x2, ECC82x1
• Dimension: 190 (L) x 145 (W) x 112(H) mm
• Weight: 9kg (packed) ... .04c95.php ... cador-8204

Opera Consonance Linear 25 (€1400)

Opera Consonance Linear 25.png
Opera Consonance Linear 25.png (299.4 KiB) Vist 85902 gange

Linear 25 builds upon the virtues of Cyber 20. Power supply and transformers have been redesigned and upgraded. Balanced and unbalanced inputs and outputs cater for a broader usage scenario. Linear 25 is a compact and very capable headphone amplifer.

• Output impedance: 10-300Ω (Low) , 300-600Ω (High)
• Output power: 1W x2 RMS 1kHz
• Frequency response: 20Hz-40kHz - 3dB (1W)
• Distiortion: <1% (1W, 1KHz)
• SNR: 90 dB
• Inputs:Line RCA+XLR
• Output: Headphone 6.3mm+XLR
• Input impedance: 50K
• Power consumption: 26W
• Tubes: EL84x2, 5963x1
• Dimensions (WDH): Amplfier 235×208x165 mm, Power supply 190x130x75 mm
• Weight: 8 kg ... ar25-13038 ... -25?c=1482

Opera Consonance Linear 5 (€3200)

Opera Consonance Linear 5.jpg
Opera Consonance Linear 5.jpg (295.09 KiB) Vist 85902 gange

Inspired by the Linear 1 reference preamplifier, Shi Hui Liu has developed a class-leading tube headphone amplifer with a sophisticated circuit and current management that allows the use of the highly valued 2A3 tube. The design is Class A single ended.

Three major objectives have the highest priority:
1) Connection diversity. Among other a fully balanced input and output. The input signal is handled by Lundahl transformers. The carefully selected output transformers allow the use a wide variety of headphones.
2) An extremely powerful external power supply had to be developed to create a stable and clean power supply.
3) A design without compromises. Both in the selection of the technical components and in the materials used. The signal routing consists of silver, the technical components are technically the best and yet they were inhouse selected.

The result can be seen, felt, heard and is exactly what Opera Audio is recognized for worldwide with its Consonance components.

• Output impedance: Switchable - Low (30-300Ω), High 300-600Ω)
• Output power: 2 x 2Watt RMS 1kHz
• Frequency response: 6Hz-50kHz, -3dB (1Watt)
• Distortion: <1% (1Watt, 1kHz)
• SNR: 90dB
• Inputs: 3 pairs RCA (Chinch), 1 pair XLR (true balanced)
• Outputs: 1x XLR (true balanced), 1x Jack (6,35mm)
• Input impedans: 100K
• Power consumption: 85 Watt
• Tubes: 2x 2A3, 1x 5Y3/5u4Gx, 1x ECC82/12AU7
• Dimensions (WDH): Amplifier 285 x 315 x 195 mm, Power supply 200 x 130 x 90 mm
• Weight (packed): 18kg
• Warranty: 2 years, plus another year when registering purchase within 14 days (original buyer only). 6 months warranty on tubes ... ear5-13040 ... r-5?c=1482

Opera Consonance Linear X (€6100)

Opera Consonance Linear X.jpg
Opera Consonance Linear X.jpg (156.25 KiB) Vist 85902 gange

LinearX is currently the most advanced headphone design, with precision, exquisite, grand and stable as the main sound features, to meet the various needs of the enthusiasts who use headphones.

• The most pleasant sound Class A single-ended design, power tube is the "Emperor of the Vacuum" 300B, an output transformer specially designed for headphones, which can ensure the driving of various kinds of earphones, achieve a good impedance matching, and drive the various types of headphones on the market without any burden.
• The use of bile rectifier and biliary regulator technology can provide a constant operating voltage for all electronic tubes, ensuring high sound stability, precision and stability.
• 300B power tube operating current is manually adjustable to ensure that the electronic tube works in the best state, manually change the power tube current, but also for the use of headphones for flavor adjustment and music type adaptation.
• The uncompromising material used to contribute to reasonable design. LUNDAHL Balanced Input Transformer, Mundorf Gold Oil Capacitor, Mundorf Electrolytic Capacitor, RA Resistor, EIZZ Stepper Potentiometer, Neutrick Balanced Input/Output Terminals, WBT Input Terminal and a series of high-quality components, supplemented by internal silver wire Cross-linking and scaffolding welding with the most direct circuit connection provide extremely high-quality internal electrical characteristics, ensuring the lowest loss of sound signals. The whole band of the electronic tube itself has good linear amplification capability without negative feedback, which largely ensures the lossless amplification of the source signal and high-speed signal response capability. Provides a transparent and highly transient sense of hearing.
• In order to meet the needs of headset enthusiasts, LinearX offers two balanced XLR inputs, two single-ended RCA inputs, one balanced four-pin headphone output, one dual dual-core balanced headphone output, and two sets of 6.5 single-ended headphone outputs. A set of balanced XLRs and a set of single-ended RCA preamp outputs.

• Output impedance: 30~300ohm, 300~600ohm
• Output power: 9W x2 RMS 1kHz
• Frequency: 6Hz-55kHz -3dB(1W)
• Distortion: <1% (5W, 1KHz)
• Signal noise: 85dB
• Input interfaces: 2 groups (RCA),2 groups (XLR)
• Output interfaces: 1 group (RCA),1group (XLR)
• Headphone output: Dual 3-pin XLR (left and right channel), 4-pin stereo XLR, 6.5mm jack
• Input Impedance: 100K
• Consumption: 160W
• Vacuum Tube: 300Bx2,5U4Gx1,6SL7x3,6AS7x1
• Dimension: 430(L) x 385(W) x246(H) mm
• Weight: 26kg ... ar-x-13044 ... r-x?c=1482

Opera Consonance Linear Q (€4780)

Opera Consonance Linear Q.jpg
Opera Consonance Linear Q.jpg (138.65 KiB) Vist 66853 gange

LinearQ is a tube headphone amplifier with four-channel fully balanced push-pull amplification. It uses a direct-heating 2A3 tube to work in a push-pull state. Starting from the signal, the whole line is balanced and amplified. It is a balanced transmission that ensures thoroughness. Low-loss information transmission, and through the output transformer specially designed for the earphone, ensure good impedance matching when driving various types of headphones, and drive the headphones of various brands on the market without any burden. A set of speaker output terminals is available for use with high-sensitivity speakers as a high-quality combined amplifier.

With three negative feedback options, users can adjust the convergence speed of the sound according to their own music preferences, and achieve satisfactory results.

Uncompromising materials, Lunda balanced input transformers, Mundorf electrolytic capacitors, RA resistors, and other high-quality components, supplemented by the internal silver wire cross-linking and the most direct circuit connection scaffolding. Provides high quality internal electrical characteristics to ensure the lowest loss of sound signal. Provides a transparent, high transient and high speed listening performance.

• Output impedance: 30~300ohm, 300~600ohm
• Output power: 8W x2 RMS 1kHz
• Frequency: 6Hz - 72kHz -3dB(5W)
• Distortion: <1% (5W, 1KHz)
• Signal noise: 90dB
• Input Impedance: 100K
• Consumption: 220W
• Vacuum Tube: 2A3x4, 5AR4x2, 12BH7Ax2, E88CC/6922x2
• Negative feedback: -1.5dB, -3dB, -4.5dB
• Dimensions:366(L) x 355(W) x243(H) mm / 366(L) x 355(W) x97(H) mm (power supply)
• Weight:24kg ... inearQ.htm ... ar-q-13043

Re: Rør, hvis du tør - Musical Surroundings

Indlæg: 14. jan 2014, 21:08
af kvik
Fosgate Signature ($1500)

Fosgate Signature.jpg
Fosgate Signature.jpg (72.24 KiB) Vist 95730 gange

World-class audio engineer Jim Fosgate is the vision and expertise behind the Fosgate Signature Tube Headphone Amplifier. The Fosgate Signature embodies unique and patented circuit topologies, elevating the headphone listening experience. The genesis of the design started over 2 decades ago. Countless man-hours of working with every possible major circuit approach was not just explored, but designed, built, and auditioned by Jim Fosgate himself. Some initial designs used output transformers, some designs were direct drive with no output transformer. Others prototypes used solid-state circuitry and buffers to obtain low output impedance for driving headphones. Through this painstaking and thorough approach, a headphone amplifier design evolved which satisfied the exacting standards of Jim Fosgate.

The chose circuit incorporates 12AX7 vacuum tube amplification in the low distortion SRPP configuration, similar to our Signature Vacuum Tube Phono Preamplifier, winner of the 2011 Golden Ear Award from The Absolute Sound magazine. High speed, high current, video buffers are used to drive headphones directly. This provides a pure audio path with low output impedance, low distortion, and wide signal bandwidth.

The Video Buffers are not Op Amps and have no voltage gain. They offer high impedance inputs so the vacuum tubes are not loaded down, and low output impedance capable of driving most headphones to high volume levels with no audible distortion or colorations. The natural smooth sound of the 12AX7 vacuum tubes pass straight through to the outputs.

The bass boost equalizer circuit is designed to give the headphone listener defined, low frequency bass impact without bass boom. There are three positions on the bass control, Min, Max, and Off. When the control is in the center Off position, the bass boost is bypassed. This circuit has been used in different forms in many products including Rockford Fosgate Car amplifiers. Jim Fosgate received US patent number 3,883,832 for this circuit in 1975. It is called a “SINGLE ELEMENT CONTROLLED TWIN T FILTER” and has a much steeper curve then a bass or loudness control. It changes frequency and amplitude (Boost) with a single control. When the control is set in the Min position, the maximum boost is applied at a lower frequency then when the control is set to the Max position.

All aspects of the circuitry maximize a clean signal path. However, the uniqueness of the circuit does not end here. In order to infuse the sound with a natural sound stage, Jim integrated his surround circuitry design, part of his US patent 5,307,415 “Panorama Control” filed in April 1994. This circuit applies an out of phase cross blend to create a sense of depth and space and moves the dimensional soundstage outside of your head. The control has Min, Max, and Off positions. In the center off position the surround circuit is bypassed so the signal is unaffected and provides normal stereo.

This Headphone Amplifier’s elegant circuit has the tube amplifiers, buffers, bass EQ, and surround processing configured in a single stage. Negative feedback is applied around this stage in a single loop. Output offset is controlled with DC servos, allowing the video buffers to directly drive the headphones with no output capacitors in the signal path. There is only one coupling capacitor per channel in the signal path, and it is enclosed within the feedback loop, thus capacitor colorations are eliminated. Distortion and noise are below the threshold of hearing. The bandwidth is very wide allowing audio signals to pass through without colorations. Bandwidth is an amazing “ten times” the threshold of human hearing, 2 HZ to 200KHZ at -3DB.

The power supply is similar to the one used in the Fosgate Signature Phono Preamplifier. It uses separate oversize storage capacitors on each amplification path of each channel to provide a rock solid supply voltage without voltage regulators to affect the signal. The circuit is configured so that audio signals from the one channel cannot couple to the other, preserving soundstage width and depth. This power supply provides the benefits of dual mono and batteries in a simple AC powered circuit.

A 35 second muting circuit eliminates turn on/off thumps from the direct coupled output circuit, and there are two stereo inputs and a stereo tape output are provided for added flexibility. Industrial design by Fred Hulen incorporates the hallmarks of the Fosgate Signature line including classic, open tube design and real wood side panels.

• Frequency Response: 2Hz-200kHz at -3dB
• Voltage Gain: 15dB
• Signal To Noise Ratio: 95dB
• Headphone Impedance Drive Range: 30Ω–500Ω
• Maximum Output Voltage: 26Vpp@500Ω
• Maximum Power Output: 1000mW@30Ω, 387mW@200Ω, 180mW@500Ω
• Distortion: .1% @250mW 1kHz 30Ω load
• Min/Max Bass Boost: 6dB@30Hz/9dB@30Hz
• Dimensions (WDH): 7 x 11 x 5.5″
• Weight: 5 lbs
• Warranty: 2 years ... -amplifier ... ifier.html ... manual.pdf

NOTE: Appears to be scarcely available, unclear if generally discontinued, is no longer listed at Musical Surroundings.

Re: Rør, hvis du tør

Indlæg: 14. jan 2014, 23:14
af Larry
Wow, der er sku nogle lækre rørslæder imellem jeg slet ikke kender. Fortsæt endelig det gode arbejde, får helt lyst til at gå tilbage til rør, fedt.