Den store AKG-tråd

Re: Den store AKG-tråd

Indlægaf kvik » 12. jan 2018, 14:20

AKG K4/5xx familien:

Nedenstående er mere frit sammensat end tidligere indlæg i 'famileserien'. Der har været meget at konsumere kildemæssigt, og specielt i forhold til lydsignaturerne har jeg følt mig lidt på herrens mark (selv med min egen K500 at læse/tolke udfra). Det faktum at AKG løbende har lavet små og store ændringer (ofte uden officielt at indrømme det), gør ikke sagen enklere (ift lydsignaturer). Så, selv om diverse facts herunder er mere eller mindre korrekte (versioner, puder, mods, målinger mm), så må lydbeskrivelserne læses med forbehold. Der er i herværende indlæg links til kilder her og der, og i efterfølgende indlæg findes de fleste relevante billeder (fra samme links og andetsteds).


K4xx_K5xx.jpeg (82.92 KiB) Vist 21593 gange

AKG K400

AKG K400.jpg
AKG K400.jpg (217.19 KiB) Vist 21593 gange

Introduced 1991 alongside K500, both discontinued 1997. Probably 4 or more different revisions, though based on sound these are mostly narrowed down to Early Production (EP) vs Late Production (LP). The two are distinguisable by different headband, cable, jack plug, and driver (see below).

At least 3 different drivers have been identified, two of thesse in the EP version. This could account for the preference by some for one EP over another. Some seem to have a preference for EP over LP as well, the former being perceived as a bit more lively and musical, and the latter sounding warmer and lacking a bit of bass (comparably).

Generally the K400 seems to be perceived as musical and cohesive, slightly mid-focused, with tight rather than punchy bass, and with a good amount of PRaT, all making for a fun/enjoyable/intimate listen, rather than a critical/analytical one. Its character is said to be particularly well suited for things like chamber music, baroque ensembles, vocal music or small jazz formations.

K500 is said to be more neutral, detailed, dry, airy, cold
K501 is said to have less bass (quantity, not quality), more details (peakier), bigger soundstage, less speed/energy
K601 is said to be similar to K400, but fuller and slower (imore impact/presence, warmer/darker, less airy, smaller soundstage)

K400 versions

EP: Headband rubber/vinyl/plastic. Plug all golden. Cable thinner. Driver A & B
MP: Headband leather. Plug all golden or partly black. Cabler thinner. Driver B
LP: Headband leather. Plug partly black plastic. Cable thicker. Driver C

Driver A: Large driver hole with foam. This foam will likely have deteriorated, and should be changed to new foam (or tape with a small hole, or micropore - it's possible to tune the bass here in many ways). Twelve filtered openings. Driver connections close together on the same side, with a blue glue blob to fix one of the wires to the diaphragm (which can cause an annoying rattle). All metal plug.

Driver B: Large driver hole but with rubber grommet to make it smaller (grommet can be removed with a pair of pliers and some force). Four filtered openings. Driver connections close together on the same side, with a blue glue blob to fix one of the wires to the diaphragm (which can cause an annoying rattle). All metal plug.

Driver C: Small driver hole. Four filtered openings. Driver connections on opposite sides of the driver (like later K701). No blue glue. Metal/plastic plug and leather headband.

Same baffle on all three, though some (LP?) versions in addition have a removable treble filter.

If you take off the pads and hold the headphone in strong light you can easily see if it has four or twelve filtered openings, and if it's a grommet/small hole version. If the centre of the driver is dark it's most likely the foam version, which probably needs to have its foam changed.

Examples/pictures can be found here and here, and some of the same pictures can be found below.

K400 mods

Pads: There seems to be a general preference for K400 with original K400 pads, but K601 pads are a runner up with their added body and weight to the sound, while retaining the hailed mids of K400. (example)

Driver/Baffle: Some choose to mod the K400 baffle, mimicking K501 baffle versions 1 & 3.

Cable: EP and LP have different wiring inside the cup, only LP is shown in the service manual, so this link shows the EP wiring (also see pictures below). If already in there it might also be worth cleaning the steel contact rods, as well as check/correct for phase problems (cf this link).

Balanced: Both K400 and K500 are said benefit from rewiring to balanced, resulting in increased clarity and resolution, K400 reacting the most to this mod.

AKG K500

AKG K500.jpg
AKG K500.jpg (247.19 KiB) Vist 21593 gange

The AKG K500 is the more expensive bigger brother of the K400 with more luxurious looks and headband as well as a different colour scheme.

There appears to be silmilarities in revisional changes/improvements for K400 and K500. At a fundamental level 3 different drivers have been identified for K500, and all are said to sound quite different. Pads, cords and plugs also vary, but the driver differences are the deciding factor when determining production period..

Driver A (EP): Half matte diaphragm and 12 openings at the back of the driver (dampened with white fibre paper). Removable treble filter on some, others without. All metal plug and adapter, and somewhat thicker cable.

Driver B (MP): Most common version. Half matte diaphragm but only 2 + 2 holes at the back of the driver. On the diaphragm two types of ridges combined (short ridges at the rim, longer ones at the centre). All metal plug and adapter.

Driver C (LP): 2 + 2 holes at the back of the driver, but a clear diaphragm with a simplified ridge pattern (only long, single ones). Same cable as MP, later a partly black plastic plug with metal adapter and slightly thinner cord (as on the K401 and K501).

Same baffle on all three, though some EP versions in addition have a removable treble filter.

Ear pads

The original grey K500 ear pads are no longer available. There were also different versions of these, where the rim ring isolation foam/soft plastic (on some non-existant) between pad and baffle seemed to influence the "tightness" of sound.

Condition of the pads affect the response as well. If not completely destroyed, it is worth trying to rescue the original ones by cleaning in mild soap water and massaging back into shape.

K501/400, K601 and K701 pads are still available (e.g. from Thomann), if the original ones are destroyed, or if a different tuning is desired..

K501 pads are said to tighten up the sound overall (cleaner, more controlled)
K601 pads (velour) are said to add sligthly more body to the bass, otherwise retaining the sonic character
K701 pads (velour) are said to tame the highs, though also take away from the liquid mids
K702 pads (angled) are said to basically increase everything (sounding somewhat unnatural)

Mods / repairs

Foam damper/baffle filter: Tuning the foam damper (often totally disintegrated) in the hole on the back of the driver and covering some of the paper slits on the baffle results in a more balanced response, with fuller bass and less strident treble (soundstage is unaffected).

Presence/Treble filter: Early K500 baffle had a removable filter cap (as did early K400).

Connection problem: Internally, the two cables are clipped onto the driver, and the connectors tend to loosen over time. Just open the cup, tighten the metal connectors, clip them on again, and put things back together. (cf K400 link).

Plug adapter: If the 1/4" adapter for the all golden plug (K500 EP/MP) is lost, Thomann has an Audio-Technica 1/4" adapter that will fit. The adapter from the plastic/metal plug (K500 LP) will not fit the all golden plug.


There is no consensus. Some call it harder to drive than K701 and on par with K340. Others put it just above K601 in terms of amplfier requirements. Some say it needs sufficient voltage swing to shine, others say it needs suffient current as well. Underfed it said to lack bottom end impact.

Measurements show both K500 and K501 to have considerable lows roll-off. Some will perceive this as realistic and tight bass, others will mind the lack of low extension

Here a valve amp can give the 'illusion' of fuller bass. It doesn't have more bass in quantity, but appears fuller (more prominent) as more harmonics are 'generated' that give bass it's 'feisty feeling'.

Sound comparisons

K500 sounds similar to K400, but with more refined treble. Bass and mids sound identical to K400, with the same shortcoming (lack of body and bass extension). Tonal balance is ‘accurate’ and very realistic, with a bright ‘edge’ resulting in a slight feeling of ‘extra detail’.

K400: Warmer, more cohesive, more musical, better all-rounder, works with many different genres
K500: Brighter, more neutral, better detail/clarity and treble extension, can sound clinical

K500: Less bass (even with K601 pads), cleaner and more transparent, bigger soundstage
K501: More midrange body (and smoother as well), upper midrange glare,
Both: Very large soundstage (bigger than K701), good instrument separation (not as good as K701), able to maintain intimacy (enough forwardness in upper midrange),

AKG K401

AKG K401.jpg
AKG K401.jpg (118.67 KiB) Vist 21593 gange

K401 and K501 were both introduced 1996, replacing K400 and K500. They made use of the new, patented Varimotion (two-layer) diaphragm, which later also was used in K601 and K701 (in different incarnations). The sonic kinship between the two is said to be closer than that between their predecessors, with both leaning more towards K500 than K400.

Compared to K501 the smaller brother is said to have slightly more bass impact (though a little bloated) with less refined/euphonic upper-mids/highs and some etchiness to the highs. These are nuances, both are still said to have a balanced/natural yet analytical sound, with light/tight bass and large soundstage.

Impressions/reviews are somewhat scarce compared to the other K4/5xx models, and it's unclear if K401 underwent different revisions during its lifespan. It was discontinued 2003, while production of K501 continued until 2006, when K601 and K701 were introduced.

AKG K501

AKG K501.jpg
AKG K501.jpg (130.86 KiB) Vist 21593 gange

The successor of K500, with the familiar AKG look but a different color-scheme, and with the new Varimotion driver.

Efficiency is not very high, and with not enough voltage swing K501 will sound ‘raw’ and compressed at louder volume levels. Amplifier output resistance (low-Z vs high-Z) has little effect on tonal balance/frequency response, though.

K501 shares the rolled of bass with its predecessor. Some hear this as lean or anaemic, to others it sounds tight and right. Combined with different versions, pads, amps, and preferences, this makes for quite varied perceptions and descriptions of K501. Hence the two attempts below to capture the sonic character.

View A:

K501 has a nicely rendered, coherent and well-integrated midrange. Virtually flat from 80-4000 and with a slight dip in the sibilant area of 4000-6000, followed by a slight boost from 6000-8000 and a gentle roll off until about 11,000. A fairly high THD (relative to some on the market) might account for a bit of added "warmth" overall.

K501 bass is great for acoustic music when properly amped. It will not do an electric bass or electronica well, but piano, low brass and woodwinds, standing bass, and other non-amplified instruments sound perfect.

In classical and acoustic jazz music it renders higher harmonics from the strings, brass and woodwind instruments naturally and accurately. In vocal music it gives a credible perception sense of living, breathing vocals. Acoustic and vocals is where the K501 does best, genres that don't require (as much) lower mids and bass.

Great all-around sound, an overall coherence makes listening so involving and complete.

View B:

K501 is all about the mids, which have almost too much clarity, and can sound too forward and shouty on a lot of music. Treble is also accentuated and with a bit of sibilance and sharpness to it, can sound ‘raspy’ and lacks ‘air’. Bass is rolled-of considerably (lacks body and extension, like K500), and therefore will sound ‘tight’ but ‘thin’. Bass does integrate well into mids, however, and therefore does sound realistic (albeit thin).

Even if clarity is K501’s particular forte, it can still be a bit much for some. Different pads or port sealing can remedy this to some extend. The black K702/712 velour pads will make K501 sound a bit warmer and less forward, and with less clarity (maybe even slightly lacking). For a finer clarity/treble tuning one or more ports around the driver can be sealed (with tape, thus reversible), bass is unaffected by this mod.


There are 3 different versions. The driver is the same, but the baffle is different. V1 share baffle with K401, V2 share with K400/K500, V3 share with K601/K701. In terms of production period the order therefore should read V2 (early), V1 (mid), and V3 (late).

Version 1: [3/6 + 4/12 + black] - baffle has 3 long openings out of a possible 6, and on the next level 4 smaller openings out of a possible 12, with a black dampening covering them.

Version 2: [6/6 + 12/12 + white] - baffle has 6 long openings and 12 smaller ones, with a white dampening material which is thick.

Version 3: [6/6 + 0/12 + white] - baffle has 6 long openings with no smaller ones, with a white dampening material as well, but is thinner and more porous than Ver.2.

Pads also vary between versions, they are similar between V1 and V3, but are a less shiny black and have yellow/orange foam on V2.

Some V3 pads are claimed to have more bass, these have a brown sealing ring at the back (silicone-like), rather than black (foam). Could be different foam density in pads themselves, and not the sealing ring, that is responsible, it is not clear. AKG have stated that no changes were made to the pads.

V2 is said to have the least bass (due to all ports open), V3 the most (partly due to pads). The two are sometimes refered to as the K501 Bass-ligth and K501 Bass-heavy versions.

The effect of different dampening material (black/white) is said to be neglible, V2 can sound like both V1 and V3 just by blocking up the different holes/ports. ... /akg/k501/

Service Manual


Indlæg: 4728
Tilmeldt: 28. jul 2011, 01:27
Geografisk sted: Norge

Re: Den store AKG-tråd

Indlægaf kvik » 12. jan 2018, 14:21


K400 EP (driver A front).jpg
K400 EP (driver A front).jpg (435.14 KiB) Vist 21589 gange
K400 EP (driver A back).jpg
K400 EP (driver A back).jpg (110.34 KiB) Vist 21589 gange

K400 EP-MP (driver B front).jpg
K400 EP-MP (driver B front).jpg (438.32 KiB) Vist 21589 gange
K400 EP-MP (driver B back).jpg
K400 EP-MP (driver B back).jpg (286.4 KiB) Vist 21589 gange

K400 LP (driver C front).jpg
K400 LP (driver C front).jpg (412.33 KiB) Vist 21589 gange
K400 LP (driver C back) kopi.jpg
K400 LP (driver C back) kopi.jpg (659.37 KiB) Vist 21589 gange


K500 EP (driver A).jpg
K500 EP (driver A).jpg (439.75 KiB) Vist 21589 gange
K500 MP (driver B).jpg
K500 MP (driver B).jpg (439.32 KiB) Vist 21589 gange
K500 LP (driver C).jpg
K500 LP (driver C).jpg (445.61 KiB) Vist 21589 gange


K501 EP (baffle V2).jpg
K501 EP (baffle V2).jpg (463.03 KiB) Vist 21589 gange
K501 MP (baffle V1).jpg
K501 MP (baffle V1).jpg (142.14 KiB) Vist 21589 gange
K501 LP (baffle V3).jpg
K501 LP (baffle V3).jpg (314.06 KiB) Vist 21589 gange

Indlæg: 4728
Tilmeldt: 28. jul 2011, 01:27
Geografisk sted: Norge

Re: Den store AKG-tråd

Indlægaf kvik » 12. jan 2018, 14:40


K400 pads front.jpg
K400 pads front.jpg (317.92 KiB) Vist 21589 gange
K400 pads back.jpg
K400 pads back.jpg (122.38 KiB) Vist 21589 gange
K400 pads rev B.jpg
K400 pads rev B.jpg (382.4 KiB) Vist 21589 gange

K500 pads rev A kopi.jpg
K500 pads rev A kopi.jpg (295.95 KiB) Vist 21589 gange
K500 pads rev B.jpg
K500 pads rev B.jpg (243 KiB) Vist 21589 gange
K500-501 pads front.jpg
K500-501 pads front.jpg (344.88 KiB) Vist 21589 gange
K500-501 pads back.jpg
K500-501 pads back.jpg (131.24 KiB) Vist 21589 gange


K4xx5xx plug_adapter_cable.jpg
K4xx5xx plug_adapter_cable.jpg (475.63 KiB) Vist 21589 gange
K400-500 replacement adapter.jpg
K400-500 replacement adapter.jpg (347.83 KiB) Vist 21589 gange

Treble filter

K400-500 treble filter front.jpg
K400-500 treble filter front.jpg (235.17 KiB) Vist 21589 gange
K400-500 treble filter back.jpg
K400-500 treble filter back.jpg (296.14 KiB) Vist 21589 gange


K400 EP wiring left.jpg
K400 EP wiring left.jpg (588.85 KiB) Vist 21589 gange
K400 EP wiring right.jpg
K400 EP wiring right.jpg (649.16 KiB) Vist 21589 gange

Indlæg: 4728
Tilmeldt: 28. jul 2011, 01:27
Geografisk sted: Norge

Re: Den store AKG-tråd

Indlægaf CHIbsen » 13. jan 2018, 11:29

kvik skrev:Min DF er LP. Sextett’en fik jeg ikke tjekket, Morten kan måske hjælpe med version/prod.periode. Det er jo ikke sikkert, at vi snakker om Sextett fra samme periode. Måske lyder din sextett anderledes end min (nu Mortens).

DF: "The earlier version is said to be a bit warmer sounding and with more emphasis on the mids, where the later production is more linear, detailed and has a larger soundstage."

Sextett: "Soundwise bass is said to be reduced when moving from EP to MP to LP, and lower midrange is reduced and treeble increased when moving from MP to LP."

Fik åbnet op for mine sextet'er. headband uden huller. Hvide membraner og grå bagside. Det må næsten være en LP.
(Det er godt nok noget pilleværk at skille dem ad. Det bliver aldrig min favoritdisciplin :geek: )
Pachanko Constellation Miniâ–ºViolectric DHA V590â–ºSpirit Torino Twin Pulse

headphoneus supremus extraordinaire
Indlæg: 1500
Tilmeldt: 27. jul 2017, 20:52
Geografisk sted: Skjern

Re: Den store AKG-tråd

Indlægaf kvik » 13. jan 2018, 16:52

Mangler der ikke en 'ting' eller to i din signatur? :-)

Var spændt på om sidstankomne faldt i smag, den lyder jo noget anderledes end K4-7xx, men måske ikke så langt fra sextett? Hos mig fik den musikken fra min ungdom til at lyde som dengang, men siden DF passer bedre til alt det andet (klassisk), fik K280 aldrig spilletid.

Indlæg: 4728
Tilmeldt: 28. jul 2011, 01:27
Geografisk sted: Norge

Re: Den store AKG-tråd

Indlægaf CHIbsen » 13. jan 2018, 17:27

Er det bedre nu?? 1musik :grin:

Jeg er helt enig. Indtil nu har jeg nydt Jethro Tull og Brian Ferry med K280. Takker mange for den venlige gestus thumbs
-og enig. K280 minder mere om Sextet'en end om K4xx/K7xx, men lyden er ved at snige sig ind på mig. Det er ikke bestemt ikke dumt. Det helt dine er, at nu er det nogen andre plader i samlingen der kommre i spil.
Pachanko Constellation Miniâ–ºViolectric DHA V590â–ºSpirit Torino Twin Pulse

headphoneus supremus extraordinaire
Indlæg: 1500
Tilmeldt: 27. jul 2017, 20:52
Geografisk sted: Skjern

Re: Den store AKG-tråd

Indlægaf kvik » 13. jan 2018, 21:36

Er gået i gang med at modde K500 :-) Først et (K501) 'V1 baffle mod' for at få lidt mere i bunden. For at dæmpe skarpheden en anelse eksperimenterer jeg nu med en form for treble filter. Dækkede oprindeligt hele gitteret, først med et K240 skumindlæg, så prøvede jeg med splittet lag toiletpapir istedet. Ingen af de to fungerede, så nu har jeg placeret en lille cirkel toiletpapir, hvor AKGs eget treble filter er. Begge dele fungerer sådan set efter hensigten, jeg er blot ikke sikker på, at lyden nødvendigvis er bedre :| Ideelt set burde jeg vel få fat i et original treble filter og nogle K601 puder. Måske vil puderne alene ændre helhedsindtrykket tilstrækkeligt. I første omgang vil jeg nok justere lidt på baffle mod'et, fjerne tape fra nogle af åbningerne. Har lige nu lidt for buldrende bas og en noget tam øvre mellemtone/diskant. Det giver en vis afstandsfølelse, så selv om de (gamle) klassiske optagelser nu er tålelige at lytte til, mangler de samtidigt lidt nærvær. Nå, det er i det mindste sjovt at lege med lyden :-)

Indlæg: 4728
Tilmeldt: 28. jul 2011, 01:27
Geografisk sted: Norge

Re: Den store AKG-tråd

Indlægaf CHIbsen » 13. jan 2018, 22:46

Man burde jo kunne 3D printe et sæt treble filter. Hvis man har sådan en tilrådighed.
Pachanko Constellation Miniâ–ºViolectric DHA V590â–ºSpirit Torino Twin Pulse

headphoneus supremus extraordinaire
Indlæg: 1500
Tilmeldt: 27. jul 2017, 20:52
Geografisk sted: Skjern

Re: Den store AKG-tråd

Indlægaf kvik » 13. jan 2018, 22:58

Lad os se henad vejen. Skiftede fra V1 til V3 mod, og uden filter. Tror jeg måske er lidt ekstra sensibel i dag, igen for meget bas. Fjernede V3 også, siden det gik op for mig, at min crossfeed enhed kan justere hhv bas og diskant med 3dB. Mere skal der måske ikke til, er jo oftest nuancer det drejer sig om. Prøver crossfeed enheden i morgen, eksperimenterne er slut for i dag :-)

Indlæg: 4728
Tilmeldt: 28. jul 2011, 01:27
Geografisk sted: Norge

Re: Den store AKG-tråd

Indlægaf CHIbsen » 14. jan 2018, 21:56

Tror jeg er ved at have knækket koden. Efter tilgangen af K280, har jeg været motiveret til også at få mine K240 sextet'er i spil, efter at have gået og kigget på dem en månedstid.
Clementine -> Lee Portable dac -> zero zone A1 klon -> K240 eller K280
Nok ikke det sidste ord i opløsthed og detaljerigdom, men jeg nyder musikken.
Jeg havde tænkt at weekenden skulle bruges på at undersøge lidt omkring K4xx/K5xx efter kvik's fine artikel ovenfor, men jeg endte med at sidde og lytte til den kombination i stedet. Tiden forsvandt :-)
K280 passer fint til Rolling Stones, Black Crowes. K240 til de lidt "nyere" produktioner. Coheed and Cambria, Joe Bonamassa.
Pachanko Constellation Miniâ–ºViolectric DHA V590â–ºSpirit Torino Twin Pulse

headphoneus supremus extraordinaire
Indlæg: 1500
Tilmeldt: 27. jul 2017, 20:52
Geografisk sted: Skjern

Re: Den store AKG-tråd

Indlægaf CHIbsen » 20. jan 2018, 11:12

En vældig interessant tråd omkring K270-K290: ... 196/page-2

Og en tysk test af K240, K270, DT770, HD280: ... erer-2002/

Bemærk lige den helt forrygende detalje, at modellen der fremviser hovedtelefonerne smiler mere og mere jo længere frem i artiklen man kommer :-)
Pachanko Constellation Miniâ–ºViolectric DHA V590â–ºSpirit Torino Twin Pulse

headphoneus supremus extraordinaire
Indlæg: 1500
Tilmeldt: 27. jul 2017, 20:52
Geografisk sted: Skjern

Re: Den store AKG-tråd

Indlægaf kvik » 20. jan 2018, 13:17

Og en polsk kort anmeldelse af K260 - K270 - K280 (med online-oversættelse bliver den tilnærmelsesvis forståelig) ... arto-znac/

Indlæg: 4728
Tilmeldt: 28. jul 2011, 01:27
Geografisk sted: Norge

Re: Den store AKG-tråd

Indlægaf CHIbsen » 30. jan 2018, 18:56

Så kom der levering fra ali. Cirka 150kr for to sæt leveret.
Ikke helt Brainwavz niveau, men fine. Specielt er de beige vældig tiltalende. Bliver interessant at lytte til dem.
De sorte er med plys indvendig og kina læder udenpå.

k240pads.jpg (93.03 KiB) Vist 21102 gange

De er monteret på sextet'en.
Pachanko Constellation Miniâ–ºViolectric DHA V590â–ºSpirit Torino Twin Pulse

headphoneus supremus extraordinaire
Indlæg: 1500
Tilmeldt: 27. jul 2017, 20:52
Geografisk sted: Skjern

Re: Den store AKG-tråd

Indlægaf Krellef » 6. feb 2018, 18:00

Jeg har lige fået et par K701 hjem, og jeg faldt så over denne tråd. Jeg så at CHIbsen brugte denne model til hård rock, så jeg tænkte at jeg ville udforske udi de genrer. De kan i hvert fald godt lide Judas Priest theking
Focusrite Solo Gen 3 --> ZS10 Pro

Indlæg: 792
Tilmeldt: 29. mar 2017, 19:13
Geografisk sted: 8900 Randers

Re: Den store AKG-tråd

Indlægaf CHIbsen » 6. feb 2018, 20:43

Krellef skrev:Jeg har lige fået et par K701 hjem, og jeg faldt så over denne tråd. Jeg så at CHIbsen brugte denne model til hård rock, så jeg tænkte at jeg ville udforske udi de genrer. De kan i hvert fald godt lide Judas Priest theking
Jeg må nok indrømme at efter jeg er blevet oplyst af Kvik så har mine k701er ikke fået meget spilletid. Det er mere blevet til k240/k280. Nok også fordi det setup jeg benytter pt er lidt lyst klingende.

Pachanko Constellation Miniâ–ºViolectric DHA V590â–ºSpirit Torino Twin Pulse

headphoneus supremus extraordinaire
Indlæg: 1500
Tilmeldt: 27. jul 2017, 20:52
Geografisk sted: Skjern

Re: Den store AKG-tråd

Indlægaf CHIbsen » 6. feb 2018, 20:53

Krellef skrev:Jeg har lige fået et par K701 hjem, og jeg faldt så over denne tråd. Jeg så at CHIbsen brugte denne model til hård rock, så jeg tænkte at jeg ville udforske udi de genrer. De kan i hvert fald godt lide Judas Priest theking

...og fedt du kan lide dem thumbs
Pachanko Constellation Miniâ–ºViolectric DHA V590â–ºSpirit Torino Twin Pulse

headphoneus supremus extraordinaire
Indlæg: 1500
Tilmeldt: 27. jul 2017, 20:52
Geografisk sted: Skjern

Re: Den store AKG-tråd

Indlægaf Krellef » 6. feb 2018, 21:04

Jeg synes de spiller fantastisk med min Argon HA2 - Med udgangspunkt i Head-Fi's Glossary, er det den kombination der har haft den mest udtalte "attack (2)" - udtrykket beskrevet således: "...notes will tend to sound more defined rather than blended with other notes". Jeg har også hørt detaljer i nogle musiknumre, jeg ikke har lagt mærke til før. Det må altså siges at være en god oplevelse.
Focusrite Solo Gen 3 --> ZS10 Pro

Indlæg: 792
Tilmeldt: 29. mar 2017, 19:13
Geografisk sted: 8900 Randers

Re: Den store AKG-tråd

Indlægaf CHIbsen » 6. feb 2018, 22:07

Krellef skrev:Jeg synes de spiller fantastisk med min Argon HA2 - Med udgangspunkt i Head-Fi's Glossary, er det den kombination der har haft den mest udtalte "attack (2)" - udtrykket beskrevet således: "...notes will tend to sound more defined rather than blended with other notes". Jeg har også hørt detaljer i nogle musiknumre, jeg ikke har lagt mærke til før. Det må altså siges at være en god oplevelse.

Enig. Hvis man hører et nummer som "Black Country" fra Black Country Communion's første plade, så står Glen Hughes bas knivskarpt med rigtig god punch i introen. Bassen har mindst ligeså meget attitude som Mr Hughes himself :grin:
Pachanko Constellation Miniâ–ºViolectric DHA V590â–ºSpirit Torino Twin Pulse

headphoneus supremus extraordinaire
Indlæg: 1500
Tilmeldt: 27. jul 2017, 20:52
Geografisk sted: Skjern

Re: Den store AKG-tråd

Indlægaf CHIbsen » 7. feb 2018, 19:22

Fik tilegnet mig endnu en sextet (til små penge på dba). Denne gang med hullerne i hovedbåndet.
-det er egentlig ikke det der er det interessante. Det er denne her fætter:
k240slider.jpg (64.03 KiB) Vist 20933 gange

Jeg kan ikke genenmskue om den er original. Men vi er da i afdelingen af vintage tilbehør.
Pachanko Constellation Miniâ–ºViolectric DHA V590â–ºSpirit Torino Twin Pulse

headphoneus supremus extraordinaire
Indlæg: 1500
Tilmeldt: 27. jul 2017, 20:52
Geografisk sted: Skjern

Re: Den store AKG-tråd

Indlægaf kvik » 7. feb 2018, 20:12

Er sikkert original AKG, men i hvilken sammenhæng er svært at sige, finder ingen billeder af noget lignende.
75 kr for Sextett Cardan er da en god handel :-)

Indlæg: 4728
Tilmeldt: 28. jul 2011, 01:27
Geografisk sted: Norge


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