af Mortenhoe » 30. okt 2016, 00:40
Den der "Get" er da spændende! Det var på tide der kom en ren wireless hovedtelefonforstærker. Jeg overvejede kort at backe dem. Læste dog lidt op på den, og det viser sig at de bruger den integrerede DAC i CSR8675 chippen... Meh.
"We can’t take much credit here, but can certainly tell you that in terms of conversion embedded in a wireless chip, we went straight to Qualcomm/CSR’s flagship: the CSR8675. That’s the component that receives the digital signal from the antenna and outputs the analog audio signal. This component is expensive but it’s worth every penny. As of today, it’s the only Bluetooth controller that allows 24 bit audio and its integrated DAC performs very well."
Expensive.. Sådan en CSR chip ligger nok i 50-60kr, hvis jeg skal gætte. Ovenstående device burde have haft implementeret en rigtig DAC chip.
Stationary: Aune S6 Pro. Sennheiser HD800 balanceret.
Portable: Mifo O7 og O5 Pro. Anomoibuds Capsule. Radsone ES100. Balanceret Audio Technica M50x. Balanceret EMXs-500.
Collection: Bravo Audio Ocean. Zishan Z3. Balanceret HiFiMan HE-400. Cleer DU. Yamaha YH-3(Custom). Superlux HD-681. VE Monk + lidt mere.